SharpLaunch Standard Support 

At SharpLaunch, customer care is our highest priority. Our Client Success team’s goal is to solve any issue that may arise efficiently with as little interruption as possible. This document outlines the SharpLaunch Standard Service Level agreement.

Section 1: Contacting SharpLaunch Client Success

Section 2: Request Process

Section 3: Assignment of Support Request Severity

Section 4: Response and Resolution Targets


Section 1: Contacting SharpLaunch Client Success

To best serve our clients, we are introducing a ticketing system to speed up and enhance our level of service. Please direct all customer questions, product questions, bugs and requests to: In doing so, we can ensure your request is looked at and resolved in a faster and more efficient manner.

Section 2: Request Process

Customer Case Assignment:  When a customer contacts SharpLaunch via, a Client Success team member will be assigned to their request and a case will be opened in SharpLaunch’s support ticketing system. A unique number is assigned to the case and provided to the customer.  

The following describes the request process: 

  1. Customer opens a request through ticketing system via an email to 
  2. Client Success team receives the issue
  3. Request is categorized by severity 
  4. Client Success team prioritizes tickets and completed necessary task/follows up for more info/speaks to appropriate internal department
  5. Client Success team coordinate with client informing them of fix

Section 3: Assignment of Support Request Severity

When a customer opens a support request, the Client Success Team will assess the severity of the request based on the customer’s description of the problem. The severity of the support request will be recorded in the ticketing system.

Table 2 below provides the definitions used in identifying and assigning a severity level to the reported problem.

Table 2 – Severity Definitions 
Severity Criteria
Minor feature/function failure
– General questions, feature requests, etc.
– Bug or minor issue detected
– Minor impact on usage
High Major feature/function failure
– Operations are severely restricted
– Major disruption of work
Urgent Total Product Failure
– Property Site or PSE is Down
– Program is unusable resulting in total disruption of operations


Section 4: Response and Resolution Targets

SharpLaunch will use commercially reasonable efforts to meet the following resolution targets.   

Table 3 – Response and Resolution targets
Severity Target Response  Target Resolution  Update Cadence Solution (one or more of the following)
Normal 24 Hours 2 Business Days n/a –  Proper product usage recommendation

–  Question answered

–  Product or system configuration change
High 2 Hours Same Day Daily – Satisfactory workaround

–  Program patch (and incorporated into future release)

Urgent 2 Hours Same Day Hourly – Satisfactory workaround

–  Program patch (and incorporated into future release)

Section 5: Customer Escalation Procedure

During the process of resolving a customer support request, the severity of the request may be increased and/or a higher level of authority might be notified.  Case severity may be escalated internally when it is determined that the support request involves a system critical issue, an extremely complex problem, or an unreasonable amount of time has passed with no resolution.

If a customer is not satisfied with the level of support, they may escalate directly to SharpLaunch Customer Success team.