Email Policy

Last update: March 11, 2021

General Guidelines

SharpLaunch allows our clients to send property marketing email announcements from our platform. Sending mass email messages can present risks to our entire network, and we do take the necessary steps to ensure that our network IP addresses are not abused by clients who run spam campaigns from their account.

Our basic email guidelines are outlined below. If they do not suit your needs, we suggest that you invest in a separate emailing software such as MailChimp or Constant Contact (among other services).  SharpLaunch will monitor both your email limits and bounce rates, and reserves the right to suspend your account if limits are exceeded.

Bounce Rates
The benchmark for bounce rates should be less than 2%. Anything above a 2% bounce rate for your email campaign requires attention. Bounce rates over 5% suggest a significant problem with the quality of your list that you will want to resolve.

Send Limitations
You can send email campaigns to a maximum of 50,000 external email addresses per month. If you reach your send limit, you will have the option to upgrade your plan to extend your monthly limit.

Purchased Lists
You will not be permitted to mail any mailing list that you were given or purchased. In doing so, this will also be considered spamming and may result in termination of the offending account. All opt-outs or bounce back removals must be handled in a timely manner. If your account does not meet these requirements, SharpLaunch reserves the right to suspend, terminate, or deactivate your email account.

Unsolicited/Unintentional Email
Any unsolicited e-mail being sent will result in immediate suspension or termination of the offending email account. To protect all of our customers, we have zero tolerance for anyone sending unsolicited email or other forms of spam from our network.

The CAN-SPAM Act are national standards for sending commercial email. Any mailing list MUST comply with all guidelines set forth by the United States government. These can be found here: