
10 Reasons Why You Need a Strong Digital Presence in Commercial Real Estate

As a CRE professional, you want to make a good first impression with any potential client and want to be able to keep tenants and investors hooked. In an ideal world, your company would be the only place they look when they need commercial space.

A strong digital presence plays an essential role in accomplishing this goal as today, people expect to have access to the information they want in an easy-to-use, engaging way.

If your CRE company doesn’t have a well designed, user friendly commercial real estate website, you’re probably missing out.

When you take steps to build an impressive digital presence, you increase your credibility and make your CRE company look leading-edge. The right websites and emails will help people learn about your listings — and keep those listings top-of-mind. Plus, a user-friendly, well-designed digital presence helps investors and tenants trust you more.

There’s a lot to be said for the ROI your company can unlock when you dive into boosting your brand in the digital space. Let’s look at ten significant ways your strong digital presence can add value today.

1. Expand your audience

While digital natives have naturally aged into the majority in the last few years, the pandemic has forced most people to embrace the virtual world in new ways.

People are spending most of their time online these days, whether by working remotely, socializing via video calls, ordering groceries and meals, shopping for an ever-growing array of necessities, and catching up on social media.

Those who might have been hesitant to complete certain transactions digitally before are being pushed into digital adoption at a rapid clip.

All of these experiences are building a comfort and ease with a new virtual way of doing things in life, and this extends to all areas, commercial real estate is no exception.

You now have a prime opportunity to tap into this new, captive audience where they are spending most of their time – in front of their screens.

2. Extend your reach

At the same time, businesses are rethinking working spaces and headquarters. Employees are scattered across the globe, working remotely from home offices far removed from where their companies are located.

Traditional hotspots for different industries are changing as firms that once flocked to specific cities or areas are realizing that they have more freedom of location.

This means that potential clients might hail from much further afield and have different profiles for your particular market than before, so a strong digital presence becomes critical for both appealing to new interests and to stay nimble for changing trends in your area.

Enhancing your digital presence now gives you the freedom and flexibility to seize new opportunities as they arise, by diversifying your offerings and tweaking your presentations to attract new types of prospects.

3. Make a memorable first impression

Within the first moments of landing on your commercial real estate website, prospects will make a snap judgement about your firm based on your site’s aesthetics, ease of use, and how it compares to others they’ve recently visited.

A powerful but accessible web presence that uses modern, high-quality design will instill a sense of authority and trustworthiness. You want every visitor to have a memorable experience that will last them through their initial visit and beyond, even as they visit the digital assets of your competitors.

This applies to your main site, as well as every individual property site you create, including how you interlink them for a seamless user journey.

As many prospects will do more virtual tours and fewer physical tours, you need digital assets that capture the essence of each property to bring them to life.

Your online offerings should translate the in-person experience of touring your properties into a virtual experience that entices prospects by delivering a true feel of the space. Your sites should include videos, virtual tours, 3D rendering, detailed floor plans, vivid photos, and interactive maps that invite visitors to explore the neighborhood and engage with amenities.

4. Build business credibility

You can further cultivate your professional image by creating a comprehensive digital presence that includes in-depth property websites, customized property search capabilities, social media integration, and other helpful features.

Every aspect of your efforts, from search to mobile-friendly optimization, should be thoughtfully planned, consistently branded, and constantly updated. Especially now, you want to project stability and strength.

When you reliably deliver the latest, most accurate, and most detailed information about your commercial real estate offerings, prospects will see you as a trusted authority to turn to for their commercial real estate needs.

You can further develop an impression of expertise by being meticulous with your property websites and listings, offering thorough property descriptions, creating engaging interactive maps that deliver key location insights, and displaying the full scope of your portfolio while making all of your properties easily accessible via a robust search tool.

By reinforcing and layering your digital activities, you can build trust and confidence, position your company as an industry leader, and ensure you are ever relevant and ever present. The most effective way to do this is with a centralized, integrated technology stack that build on each other.

5. Create awareness

Regular business hours are from a bygone era. These days, schedules are stretched across day and night by our new normal of people working remotely from different locations while juggling different pressures.

Implementing a strong digital presence allows you to be always on, always ready to deliver an attractive presentation to a potential investor, buyer, or tenant.

If you put in the effort to do it right, your websites will do the work for you when you’re offline – continually attracting and capturing interest, engaging visitors and following them across the web to stay on their radar with targeted remarketing, and creating further opportunities to convert prospects.

It is also critical to ensure you are reaching potential buyers, investors, and tenants on every screen they may be using, which means optimizing your digital offerings for seamless delivery on all platforms and types of devices.

6. Attract more visitors

Nearly 80% of investors, tenants, and buyers start their CRE search online – and this number is certainly higher during the pandemic and will likely remain so moving forward. Expanding your digital footprint will put your properties on the screens of more prospects.

Choosing a commercial real estate marketing software can help you easily integrate social media into your sites, enhance search engine optimization (SEO) across your digital assets to boost your visibility for key search terms, and facilitate word-of-mouth referrals, social shares, and greater brand exposure by creating branded domain names.

Additionally, all-in-one web solutions like the ones SharpLaunch offers can automatically syndicate your property listings, so you will gain further exposure via top CRE listing sites and portals without having to lift a finger.

Try SharpLaunch today

Learn how to streamline your CRE marketing operations and amplify your digital presence with an all-in-one solution built for busy commercial real estate teams.

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7. Get ahead of the competition

You can be sure that your competitors are scrambling to scale up their digital strategies and future-proof their businesses. In fact, the International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that global investment in direct digital transformation will approach $6.8 trillion from 2020 to 2023.

This is across all industries, and despite the economic uncertainties caused by the pandemic.

Making smart choices by reallocating funds you had budgeted for activities that are on hold for the foreseeable future, such as in-person tradeshows and conferences, can fuel a savvy digital marketing strategy to achieve your short and long-term goals.

But to stay a step ahead of your competition, you will need nimble solutions that allow speed, efficiency, flexibility, and scalability. Now, it seems truer than ever that the only constant will be continual change, so you will need a proactive digital strategy to help keep you on your toes.

All the bells and whistles in the world will fall flat if potential buyers, investors, or tenants can’t find what they’re looking for on your site quickly and easily. As people spend more time on digital media, with the average daily consumption nearing 7.5 hours a day in 2020, digital fatigue has become an increasingly pervasive issue.

Most bleary-eyed visitors will have very little patience for anything that feels cluttered, disorganized, overly complicated, or cumbersome.

That’s why, now more than ever, it is crucial that your commercial real estate website includes a powerful, customizable property search engine.

A platform like SharpLaunch can help you seamlessly integrate all of your listings with an effortless property search experience that updates automatically in real time, tailored to your specs and perfectly aligned with your branding.

9. Centralize and interconnect your property marketing activities

By building a robust digital presence for your company and your properties, you can create a marketing hub that streamlines and reinforces all of your efforts. For example, your website can become the foundation for multichannel ad campaigns, remarketing initiatives, social media strategies, and email marketing activities.

However, you will need sophisticated software or support from a web development agency to integrate these efforts effectively.

The most cost-effective and successful choice would be an all-in-one solution that does everything well, rather than patching together different tools and services.

10. Target, track, measure engagement

Data is the superpower of digital media. Every online interaction with a prospective buyer, investor, or tenant creates a treasure trove of detailed information you can use to improve your marketing efforts. As users interact with your digital properties, they offer you valuable insights into their needs, preferences, and profiles.

You can use this data to target, segment, and tailor your outreach with more strategic, personalized approaches for specific audiences.

But even the best data is worthless if you don’t have the right tools to create marketing reports in place to process it into actionable insights. Make sure your website is capturing the key marketing metrics such as:

  • website visitors
  • traffic sources
  • leads generated
  • lead conversion rate
  • document downloads
  • executed CAs

You need to measure real-time performance and ROI for each of your properties, but also ensure you have access to portfolio-wide reports that simplify complex information to expedite sound decision-making.

Time is of the essence

The world is digital now. Even when the pandemic eases, many people and companies have forever altered the way they do business and interact with each other.

Some may not miss the in-person experiences involved in CRE transactions, and many may have fallen in love with the seamlessness of digital interactions. So, all those tech upgrades that have been sitting on your budget’s backburner – now is the time to really get them cooking.

3 Key Touch Points to Keep Brokers Engaged

As a commercial property owner, getting attention to your properties tops your to-do list.

Filling vacant space is as important as being on the radar of the commercial real estate companies operating in your market. Even the brokers who aren’t working for you can help to create awareness around your availabilities. When the broker community knows that you have space to lease, they’re much more likely to look to you when new clients arise with new needs.

The primary problem here is that brokers have countless pulls on their attention. To win their focus and keep it, you need to deliver something that truly adds value for them.

Using Technology For Better Broker Engagement

With streamlined best practices and the latest tech tools, commercial property owners can set themselves up for success. This, in turn, enables them to better connect with brokerages — and to stay on those brokers’ radar.

If that’s an opportunity you want to leverage for your property or properties, you need to deliver three key touchpoints. With consolidated, up-to-date information in these areas, you give brokers precisely what they want. That way, you’ll build rapport and stay top-of-mind with your local brokerage community.

Without further ado, the touchpoints brokers want from commercial property owners are:

1. A Full Inventory Of Available Properties

If you want brokers to think of your properties, you need them to know which properties you have available. You’ve probably made an effort here, like sending over a PDF of your available listings at the moment.

The problem is that most commercial property lists are static. That means they don’t get updated as your availability changes. That could lead to a broker thinking they’ve found the perfect spot for a client, only to discover that you’ve already got a lessee.

That won’t do your relationship any favors.

Plus, static availability lists aren’t searchable. That puts the burden on the broker to read and remember details from cramped flyers or multi-page documents.

But everything changes when you deploy a searchable property listing search engine. This allows you to maintain a continually updated, comprehensive portfolio that brokers can easily access. Then, you can add or remove listings as availability changes.

With search functionality, you can make things more convenient for brokers. They can refine your properties based on their client’s specific parameters, showing them precisely the information they need. It filters out irrelevant info, giving them a streamlined, simple way to locate available commercial property right when they need it.

Long story short, an updated, searchable property portfolio on your company website makes a broker’s life more convenient. And that makes them think more favorably of working with you — and showing your properties.

2. An Updated Availability List — Sent Directly To Their Inbox

A simple property search on your website is a huge asset when brokers think to use it. The problem, though, is that many brokers are too busy to go out of their way. That’s why you need to bring the information to them.

Sending a commercial real estate email blast with an updated availability list to the top of their inbox on a regular basis keeps your properties on the top of their mind. And because it provides the info in a place brokers want and expect resources — their email — it’s not unwelcome or annoying. Instead, it’s seen as helpful.

That assumes, of course, that your emails aren’t overly frequent. On the other hand, though, you don’t want to go too long between sending lists.

All told, it’s important to establish a consistent email schedule. Fortunately, an email marketing tool can help you here.

Not only can it support your establishment of a set emailing schedule, but it can also make getting those emails out a whole lot easier.

That’s because the latest commercial property email tools offer contact list integration. That way, you can feed contacts from your lead management tool into the email platform, then segment them based on the groups you want to target.

Beyond that, the right email marketing tool can help you highlight property imagery, tee up key details, and present the content in an enticing way.

Ultimately, it lets you put the info needed to empower and enable brokers straight into their hands.

3. Easily Accessible Property Information

With regular emails and updated availabilities on your website, you make things easier for brokers, helping to keep them engaged.

But once they get interested in a specific space, you want to be able to meet them there, too.

Enter: individual property listing websites.

On a webpage specifically created for the individual property, you can display all of the relevant information about the building, the space, and more.

Your listing page can include floor plans, an image gallery, virtual tours, available amenities, building awards and certifications, or anything else you want brokers to know. You can also make additional content — like flyers or data sheets — downloadable on the page.

Plus, because your individual listing page (along with your commercial real estate website in general) can be mobile-friendly, brokers can use it even when they’re in the field or at a showing.

With robust individual listing pages, brokers get access to all of the information they want at the click of a button. There’s no need for them to reach out to you and wait on a response. Instead, they get empowered to discuss your available space with any client, knowing they can easily pull up information to answer any questions that may arise.

Engaging with brokers isn’t easy, but it’s one of the best things commercial property owners can do to ensure their locations are continually leased.

Fortunately, using the latest technology can make things faster, simpler, and more convenient for you, while doing the same for the brokers in your Rolodex.

With three key touchpoints — a property listing website, a regularly emailed availability list, and a secure platform for property specs — you give brokers the engagement they want, where, when, and how they want it.

SharpLaunch Announces New Partnership with Coyote Software

We’re thrilled to announce a new partnership with Coyote Software to enable the creation of instant marketing material for managing commercial real estate portfolios

SharpLaunch’s streamlined marketing tool is now integrated into Coyote’s platform, where users can easily and quickly produce marketing material for individual properties and schemes, including branded websites and reports.

Oli Farago, Co-Founder and CEO of Coyote Software, comments: “By working closely with our clients, it was clear that a tool to create marketing material based on the data already within Coyote held huge potential. SharpLaunch has an incredible online marketing platform for asset managers, with a proven track record in the US, and we wanted to bring that functionality to our UK and European clients.”

Bob Samii, CEO of SharpLaunch, adds: “We’ve been developing the SharpLaunch platform to help digitize marketing operations and our software is used by some of the biggest names in real estate. It was clear from early conversations with the Coyote team that we share a similar outlook on collaboration to help reduce data redundancies to empower CRE firms to be more efficient. We’re very excited that this partnership will offer a new set of integration capabilities to make it easier for Coyote customers to share data and streamline property marketing efforts.”

One of the users of this integration is M7 Real Estate, a leading specialist in the pan-European, regional, multi‑tenanted commercial real estate market, and thanks to the technology they’re able to export every asset they manage from the Coyote Software to a live property website and instantly create marketing materials for the vacant property.
Producing marketing material for individual schemes that has previously been time consuming and expensive can now be done in minutes with a few clicks.

This collaborative approach between Coyote and SharpLaunch has built a bridge between M7’s property management systems, enabling them to create live property websites from directly within the Coyote platform, improving the speed and accuracy of marketing collateral production and facilitating smoother management of their €4.1Bn property portfolio, spanning 42 million square feet.

About Coyote Software

Coyote is an award-winning commercial real estate software, transforming how real estate businesses buy and manage assets globally. Founded in 2017, designed and built by real estate professionals, Coyote is an intuitive cloud-based platform used by investment teams, asset managers and property managers. It provides a central repository for commercial real estate data and facilitates smarter collaboration for remote teams in multiple locations. The Coyote ecosystem enables users to consolidate data from various property management systems like Yardi and MRI and apply market data from best-in-class providers, including Land Registry and WiredScore, into one centralised dashboard that provides contextually relevant results and actionable insight on acquisitions and assets under management.

Coyote is used to track more than 150,000 real estate assets in more than 30 countries, natively in 10 currencies, with more than 50 customers worldwide.

About SharpLaunch

SharpLaunch is an all-in-one digital marketing platform for commercial properties specifically built for building owners, asset managers, and brokers. Trusted by some of the world’s leading CRE firms, the platform provides an easy-to-use suite of marketing tools to streamline marketing operations, reduce time to market and elevate asset visibility.

The Essential Checklist for Launching an Effective Property Website Copy

Having a property website has become a necessity for all sales and lease-up efforts in commercial real estate.

Especially for a high-profile space, having a property website is one of the top commercial real estate marketing ideas to implement that will help to attract the kind of attention needed in a competitive market.

But how do you build a quality site that works with a thousand other priorities?

You get organized.

Use the 21-point checklist below to ensure your property website meets a high level of quality, provides substantial information, and helps convert visitors to commercial real estate leads.

Need your own property website? Click here to learn more about our website solution.

property website content

Property Website Content


[checkbox] Does your description explain what makes the property unique?[/checkbox]

The copy on your website should point out the key differentiators for your property. What makes it unique from others in the same region, price range, and available space? This is more than just a bulleted list of features of the property.

It should be a detailed commercial real estate description with an overview of the best features plus any specific benefits a potential tenant will gain by choosing to operate out of this space. The benefits should speak to your potential tenants – consider the target industry and demographics of your prospects.

Only then will the details you provide work to not just attract attention, but the right attention.

[checkbox] Are you using short, descriptive phrases to describe key amenities?[/checkbox]

While a detailed description covers everything that makes this property unique, too much content can be a problem as well.

It’s important to emphasize key points by using short, descriptive phrases for each of these key features and benefits. Use visual language that drives home why these features are so much better than other options out there.

Whether it’s location of the property and foot traffic or the space offered, get to the point quickly to answer the questions your prospects have.

[checkbox] Have you highlighted relevant building specifications?[/checkbox]

Property features are the core of your marketing message, but don’t forget the functional components. Equally important to the marketing of your property is a focus on the building specifications and other data that potential tenants need to determine if it’s the right fit for their business.

This includes dimensions, floor space, applicable building permits, additions, and whether there are restrictions in the space that would affect their business.

[checkbox] Have you highlighted relevant area amenities and transportation?[/checkbox]

A significant portion of your content will focus on things outside the property itself. For new tenants, it’s important to highlight area amenities and transportation options with a local amenities map.

Reference public transportation accessibility, nearby highways, nearby schools and parks that might affect foot traffic, nearby restaurants and business centers, and anything else that might affect the type of tenant you are trying to attract.

[checkbox] Did you proofread to make sure spelling and grammar are correct?[/checkbox]

Make sure your descriptions and write-ups are as professional as possible.

How many poorly written property descriptions have you seen on other property sites?

How bad of an impact do you think these have on the managements efforts to fill those empty units?

Professional, well-crafted copy with no grammatical or spelling errors is vital to ensuring you don’t get caught in the same situation with your property website.

[checkbox] Are you using a striking and professional main image?[/checkbox]

Photography has long been the cornerstone of commercial real estate, but with the advent of digital tools, websites, and apps in the marketing of property sales, it’s more important than ever before.

Spend the extra on a high quality camera or photographer and get professional images to be used as the top image on your new property website. This should perfectly capture the possibilities represented by the property.

[checkbox] Do you have professional exterior photos?[/checkbox]

Create a list of outdoor amenities and make sure your photographer gets at least one presentation quality photo of each of them (preferably more so you have options).

This might include the exterior of the building, the exterior of the retail space, sign space, parking options, and other outdoor components.

[checkbox] Do you have professional interior photos?[/checkbox]

The same is true for the interior of the property. Provide as much detail as possible, capturing every office, every angle of open spaces, the lighting during daytime hours and whatever else is relevant to your efforts.

Not only is it important to show this space in as much detail as possible, but you can never have too many photos. Prospective tenants want to see everything they can to help them imagine operating out of this space.

[checkbox] Do you explain the key tenant services?[/checkbox]

Most properties offer some degree of tenant services. Make sure these are not only emphasized but explained in as much detail as possible.

The more detail you can offer on the types of services you provide and the benefits of those services to your tenants, the better deal your property looks like to those individuals. If you can provide more in-depth descriptions or even visual representations with images or videos, all the better.

property website accessibility

Website Accessibility


[checkbox] Is there a maintenance emergency number?[/checkbox]

Your property website can also serve as an important tenant management tool for existing tenants. When they have a question, concern, or more urgently, an emergency, they’ll turn to your website for information.

One of the most important pieces of information they can and should be able to find on your site is the emergency maintenance phone number. Include a link for existing tenants or put the maintenance number on the homepage for quick access.

[checkbox] Have you included all important property management contact info?[/checkbox]

 Perform a thorough check of your website and make sure that it’s possible to quickly find property management contact information with no more than one click.

It’s better to include this information too many times than not enough. Review the contact page for accuracy, check the internal pages, and consider including this high level contact information in the header and footer of the website for quick access.

Existing tenants will need this in a number of situations and prospective tenants may need to speak with management during the selection process.

[checkbox] Is your company’s logo and contact information visible?[/checkbox]

Your information needs to be front and center throughout the website. The logo should be included in a prominent place on the site.

It should also be included on any branded pages, images or downloadable documents that your prospects might access. Also make sure your contact information is visible, both on a contact page and in the footer of the website for quick access.

[checkbox] Does the design match the style of your company’s or property’s brand?[/checkbox]

A good property website should clearly match the branding of your main company website and collateral. If the property has its own branding, it should be coherent and linked (when necessary).

If someone is familiar with your brand this will lend your new site credibility. It also makes the shift from the main website to a property website a smoother, more organic experience when the branding matches. Double check each page of the site to ensure the branding matches.

[checkbox] Did you include the broker(s) headshot?[/checkbox]

Trust is one of the rarest and most valuable commodities online, and it’s hard to earn because of the impersonal nature of a website.

If you meet and shake someone’s hand before a transaction, it’s much easier to get a feel for them, accurate or not. Online, there is no such interaction. Offer what you can to build trust by providing ample information and a professional headshot of the broker.

Attach a human face to the potential transaction so the prospect can focus first and foremost on the property.

[checkbox] If there is space available, have you included floor plans?[/checkbox]

Whenever space becomes available, make sure it is noted on the website and that unit-specific floor plans are provided for each unit.

Potential tenants will want this information for measurements and determining if the space fits their specific needs. It’s also one less technical question that needs to be fielded over the phone from prospective tenants.

user experience

User Experience


[checkbox] Do the floor plans have the correct floor, suite, type and available RSF?[/checkbox]

If floor plans are included for available units, double check each of them to ensure they include the correct floor in the building, the suite number of the unit, the type of unit being offered, and the exact RSF available in that property.

There is a lot of data here to review, so make sure it is as detailed as possible and double checked against the property records before publication.

[checkbox] Have you verified that the written address is correct?[/checkbox]

Address information may seem like an afterthought, but a mistake here can have several ramifications.

Not only does it lead people to the wrong address if they try to visit (even just for a drive by), but it can affect your ranking in search engines. It can also create confusion when someone attempts to look up the area around your property.

[checkbox] Have you verified the map location is correct?[/checkbox]

Even if your address is correct, there can be errors on the map, especially if you are using automated tools that pull address information and match it to a database.

Even Google Maps can be incorrect at times, especially in areas with non-traditional street layouts. Check the map and make sure the pin matches the actual location of the property.

[checkbox] Did you include the broker(s) contact information?[/checkbox]

Provide every piece of information needed to contact not only the company but the specific broker representing this property and the open units in it.

If someone has a quick question, they should be able to reach someone within a few hours. Broker information can be provided on the homepage above the header as well as in the footer and on your contact page.

[checkbox] Did you include links to your social media pages?[/checkbox]

Social media helps to build trust both on and off your property website. It shows that you are active with your community and if there is an issue, people can often see it in the reviews, comments, and feedback on those profiles.

When it’s clean and they see happy tenants interacting with your brand, they will be more inclined to trust you. Social media should be linked either in the header or footer of the site.

[checkbox] Did you include an optimized page title and meta description for search engines?[/checkbox]
For every page of the property website, be sure to include an optimized title and meta description.

The title is an important factor for search engines indexing your site for local properties, while the meta description will affect what someone sees if they find your site in a search engine – it can have an immediate impact on how many people click through to see your site.

Your Total Score: [checkbox_results]

Marketing Office Space: 3 Best Practices

Marketing office space for lease requires you to have a clear sense of your target audience and the property-level criteria that impacts their needs.

Your messaging, positioning and marketing strategy need to be perfectly in sync in order to resonate and match the demands of your future tenants. This is the foundation of an effective marketing campaign and will drive how you advertise your office properties.

How to market office space

Marketing office space involves promoting the features and benefits of the space to potential tenants in order to attract them to lease or rent the property. This can be done through various methods such as advertising on CRE listing services, print advertising, real estate agents, networking events, and open houses.

It is important to highlight the unique selling points of the space, such as its location, amenities, and size, and to create high-quality marketing materials, such as photographs and floor plans. Additionally, offering incentives such as discounted rent or customized build-outs can also help to attract potential tenants. Building relationships with local businesses, developers and other stakeholders can also be helpful in finding and retaining tenants.

Below are three key best practices to consider when marketing your office space for lease:

1. Organize All Essential Content

Property Description

An effective property description helps tell the story of your property, the location, amenities and other relevant details to help prospects get a summary of key information they need. Make sure to highlight overall building, key features, the location of the property, and its proximity to area amenities.

Building Specifications

For potential tenants looking for office space, building specifications and health standards are absolutely critical and can be a key advantage to referenced throughout the leasing process.

Specific building specifications to include:

  • Column spacing
  • Internet connectivity
  • HVAC systems
  • Car parking

Onsite Amenities and Tenant Services

The more information you provide, the better. Potential tenants often view several similar properties that may meet their needs, by listing all the amenities, you allow them to compare all the advantages and facilities available easily. This may include listing the following:

  • Bicycle storage
  • Conference center
  • Fitness center
  • Restaurants or cafes
  • Upgrades or recent renovations
  • Security services
  • Janitorial services

Professional Photography

When it comes to viewing a slew of potential properties online, the right kind of photography can ensure your office space makes it to a prospective tenant’s shortlist.

As previously mentioned, potential tenants will have eyes on several similar properties, so a high-quality photography will help highlight the space’s best facets and illustrate any noteworthy features.

Using a mobile phone to take a few shots won’t cut it though, hire a professional photographer who can expertly capture your property’s best angles.

Quality images like these are evergreen and can be used over and over in marketing materials.

Video Content

Even professional photography can only get you so far. Video can help bridge the gap between a digital and a physical visit to the property. Aerial drone footage will emphasize location and layout, while interior videos can show how the facility is configured.

Arena Tower Film by Kilograph

Location Maps

Location is everything and should be communicated front and center.

For example, a shipping company would want to know if a property is located near a highway, as this would benefit transit times.

Companies may also want to take note of a property’s proximity to residential neighborhoods, where staff could reside. Be sure to paint a complete picture of the surrounding area using a custom map, including points of interest such as:

  • Local restaurants
  • Cafes and bars
  • Gyms and fitness centers
  • Metro stations
  • Access to major transportation

Floor Plans & Test Fit Plans

Office tenants want to understand the visual layout of all available spaces, including the square footage, floor number, suite number, rent type and lease terms.

All these details should be neatly packaged in a downloadable PDF as floor plans and possible fit plans.

Building Certifications

If the property has received a building certification, list them on your description and advertise them to the appropriate audience. This can be a major selling point to the right prospective tenant if you properly promote the property in a place they will see it.

Here are a few of the green building certifications currently available:

  • LEED
  • Energy Star
  • Green Globes
  • Living Building Challenge
  • National Green Building Standard
  • GreenGuard
  • WELL Building Standard
  • Green Star

Team Members

An opportunity to showcase your expertise, share vital information about your office real estate company and put a face to the name.

Here you can detail your experience working with tenants landlords and the solutions you offer to various clientele.

Existing Tenants

Your existing tenant base is one of the most vital tools you can leverage to build confidence in new tenants.

Social proof gives you instant recognition, instilling a level of trust in just a few words. Put your existing tenants on display, and similar businesses will follow.

Not only does like attract like, but it can also be seen as advantageous for companies to be in the same office space to create some synergy.

2. Create Key Marketing Assets

Office property investors and tenants must assess several different opportunities at once against dozens of crucial criteria. Naturally, there is a lot to consider.

Potential clients can weigh their options more efficiently by viewing a document that includes key lease information in a digestible format.

Critical marketing assets like these should be viewable and downloadable on your commercial real estate websites, because interested parties may lose interest or find it frustrating to have to dig for basic information.

Here is the most vital marketing information you should include when leasing an office space:

  • Property Website
    A dedicated property website highlights the property details, location, configuration, and other key elements for someone who might be evaluating multiple locations at the same time. Information should be clearly presented and easy to reference.
  • Property Flyer/Brochure
    Prepare both PDF version and print version of your brochure with a professional layout that can be easily shared or printed for future reference easily.
  • Printed Floor Plans
    Prepare professional floor plans and test fit plans with your branding that can be converted to PDF for online sharing and printed to provide during property tours.
  • Email Templates
    Your email templates should be designed to highlight key elements of your property. Create unique templates for announcements, followup messages, nurturing messages for prospects, and other key communications.
  • Promotional Items
    Having branded promotional items on-hand during your property tour is an effective way to gain an edge and make your property tours memorable.

3. Promote Your Office Space

Once your office space website is ready, the next phase requires the preparation of digital, print and email-based marketing materials to promote the property. These marketing campaign efforts will help to expand your visibility, beyond your existing audience and help bolster your brokers ability to find prospective clients.

Where is the best place to advertise an office space for lease?

There are many effective channels to create buzz, the ones listed below are considered the most effective:

Display on Your Company Website

Individual property sites are a small piece of a larger ecosystem.

Your company’s digital footprint must always be interlinked, meaning your listing website should always link back to the main company website, where all properties are aggregated and on display. On the main website, you can highlight different properties based on the unique visitor’s interests.

By using an interactive property search engine, site visitors can filter properties by location, property types, availability and more.

This tool also helps to highlight related office spaces, ensuring your relevant properties do not go unnoticed.

Send Your Own Email Campaigns

Leverage your database by sending out emails that notify potential tenants when an office space is available for lease.

Using email templates, you can easily slot in the relevant information quickly to save on time, adding the different properties and locations in your roster. To turn your database into deals, you should consider the following when sending out an email campaign:

  • Segmentation – Use metadata about the contacts on your list to segment based on location, interest, property type, and previous client status. This will allow you to send emails only to those who find them relevant.
  • Customize Messaging – With those segments, you can now customize your messaging to target individuals based on several factors. Write emails for investors, potential tenants, and previous clients. Write for specific pipeline stages as well – if someone is just beginning their search, messaging should be different than if they just requested an on-site tour.
  • Nurture New Prospects – Proactive outreach is an effective way to leverage your email list and garner interest in a newly listed property. Email can also help nurture new prospects. Contacts who complete forms but don’t answer the phone can be sent relevant emails over a series of weeks to keep your company top of mind and push them further down the funnel.

Use this guide to help you get started with email marketing.

Get Listed on CRE Portals

Listing your property on mainstream commercial real estate listing websites is a no brainer. It would be best if you also considered putting your office space onto regional market sites that focus on geography and websites that cater specifically to office properties.

Promote on Social Media

A strong social media presence is essential for prospects, as it is another vehicle to instill trust and push out relevant information. This, however, should be taken with a pinch of salt. Time spent on social media channels should correspond to their investment return; don’t overextend yourself in this department.

If you want to learn how to leverage social media marketing for your office space, check out our comprehensive guide.

Launch Paid Advertising Campaigns

Paid advertisements are still the fastest way to reach your desired audience, and there are many advertising opportunities you can explore. Nowadays, it’s easy to create, test, revise and run ads within a day. To understand how to best curate your message, define an advertising budget and launch a successful campaign, consider the following advertising tools:

  • Google AdWords – Google’s ad network reaches 92% of all Internet users through web searches, display ads, retargeting, mobile devices, and video. If someone searches online, you can likely reach them with an ad in Google’s network. Even better, you can do it in just a few minutes and segment based on specific search terms, location, and demographics. There is no better way to quickly target a specific audience for your campaigns.
  • CRE Industry Sites – Industry news sites and blogs often sell advertising that is guaranteed to reach a target audience. Especially if you are in a large market that caters to tenants in a specific geographic region, this type of advertising can be highly targeted, allowing you to reach a high number of visitors quickly.
  • Trade Journals – In an information-centric industry, CRE trade journals remain relevant for commercial real estate professionals. Advertising in these can help target individuals looking for new properties or partners who can help bolster the visibility of your property to a larger audience.

Office Property Website Examples

101 Marietta

Atlanta, GA
Owner: Dilweg Companies
Marketed by: CBRE

Bank of America Tower

Charlotte, NC
Owner: Hines
Marketed by: Lincoln Harris

99 High Boston

Boston, MA
Owner: Nuveen
Marketed by: CBRE

33 Arch Street

Boston, MA
Owner: Nuveen
Marketed by: CBRE

11 Best Commercial Real Estate Marketing Tools

What comprises an effective commercial real estate marketing stack?

Your marketing stack is a collection of commercial real estate marketing tools that help you optimize the marketing processes throughout the property lifecycle. We decided to analyze what tools high-performance CRE teams are using, day-to-day, to gain a competitive advantage.

Here’s a list of the 11 best commercial real estate marketing tools that you can try out.

1. SharpLaunch

Get an all-in-one marketing command center that can help you get the most out of your property marketing efforts. With SharpLaunch, you can modernize your online presence and streamline your digital marketing activities to be more efficient.

streamline CRE marketing

Best Features:

  • Mobile-friendly interactive property websites to help expand online visibility
  • Automatically display properties on your own company website with a property search engine
  • Professional, high-impact email marketing campaigns
  • Comprehensive reports and data about property marketing performance
  • Modern and user friendly commercial real estate website design

2. Matterport

Matterport offers an impressive 3D platform allows commercial real estate teams to capture the essence of an in-person tour and augmenting it with key information about individual components of the space.

Best Features:

  • Photorealistic and fully interactive 3D floor plan perspectives
  • Use Notes to collaborate efficiently with commenting
  • Guided Tours offer the ability to create high-quality tours of your 3D model
  • Protect the privacy of people by blurring faces or personal information

3. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is a full-feature marketing automation platform that combines email marketing, marketing automation and CRM for powerful segmentation and personalization across social, email, messaging, chat and text.


Best Features:

  • Automate lead nurture, lead scoring, and any other part of the customer lifecycle
  • Live chat and automated chatbot workflows to connect with your customers across channels
  • Personalize web pages with custom content for each visitor
  • SMS marketing automation

4. Apto

Apto is a CRM and deal management software that helps commercial real estate brokers manage contacts, properties, listings, and deals. It offers a full suite of solutions for prospecting, marketing and deal management.

Best Features:

  • Contact management allows you to access and update key data points from any device
  • Manage all of your deals from one simple dashboard
  • Prospecting tools so you can contact the right people at the right time
  • Property data including national tax, deed, and mortgage data that stays up to date

5. Call Rail

CallRail is a call tracking software that uses a unique phone number that forwards calls to your main phone number. The software gives customers visibility into which advertising efforts, content posts, email campaigns, and keywords are performing best.


Best Features:

  • Call tracking to match calls and texts to marketing campaigns
  • Automate call transcriptions with AI-powered analysis
  • Manage all calls, leads and messages from one dashboard
  • Mobile app with instant notifications sent to your home screen

6. VTS

VTS is a full-feature leasing, asset management and marketing platform for landlord, agency brokers and tenant reps. The software enables office, retail, and industrial landlords and brokers to transform their leasing process and convert leads to leases more efficiently.

Best Features:

  • Get 360-degree insights into all portfolio activity
  • Showcase listings online with VTS Market
  • View verified real-time data on tenant demand with VTS Data
  • Enable a better tenant experience with VTS Rise

7. Property Capsule

Property Capsule is a retail marketing software that creates interactive websites, site plans, maps and flyers published with the most recent property information and accessible on any platform, from any device (web, mobile phone, iPad app).

Best Features:

  • Create interactive maps for your property
  • Personalized retail site plans
  • Create interactive tour books
  • Auto-generated flyer creation

8. Flipping Book

FlippingBook is a publishing platform that converts PDFs into lifelike online flipbooks you can share and track. It includes embedded videos, images, outbound links.


Best Features:

  • Directly embed PDFs into a website
  • Enrich content with video, images and animated gifs
  • Set privacy permissions with a secured login to protect content
  • Track engagement and receive real-time open notifications

9. Reonomy

Reonomy is a data platform that provides CRE market insights, empowering top brokerages, financial institutions, and commercial services providers with actionable data and solutions.


Best Features:

  • Access sales and debt data to better understand property history and gauge opportunities
  • Integrate Reonomy’s API with internal systems
  • Create new records and update existing with ownership portfolio data

10. Canva

Canva is an online graphic design tool that makes it easy to create professional looking designs for flyers, emails, presentations, social media posts and more.

Best Features:

  • Drag and drop editor for easy customizations
  • Over 250,000 design templates and more added each week
  • 1+ Million free graphics and stock photos
  • Invite others to design and work on projects

11. RCM

Real Capital Markets is the global marketplace for buying & selling commercial real estate.  Solutions include integrated property marketing, transaction management, and business intelligence tools to unify work flows.


Best Features:

  • Buyer database of 72,000 principals
  • Professional property website templates
  • Email marketing tool
  • Virtual deal room with real-time analytics and reporting


Modernize Your Marketing

Learn how to streamline your CRE marketing operations and amplify your digital presence with an all-in-one solution built for busy commercial real estate teams.

Get a Free Demo

How to Choose the Right Commercial Real Estate Marketing Software

Digital disruption in commercial real estate is forcing firms to make changes to increase their online visibility in an increasingly busy digital space. CRE companies that are lagging at adopting technology are at risk of getting left behind.

Whether they are relying on a disjointed array of commercial real estate marketing tools, analog tactics that don’t translate well in our new virtual reality, or outdated commercial real estate marketing software, many are searching for a better way to meet the exceptional demands of the moment.

But how do you sort through the ever-growing number of options available?

In this guide we’ll cover eight key questions to help you consider your options when choosing the best commercial real estate marketing software and we’ll discuss why you might need specialized software to streamline and speed up your marketing efforts.

The Buyer’s Guide to CRE Marketing Software

Download The Buyer’s Guide to CRE marketing software and learn everything you need to know about choosing the right CRE marketing software for your business.

8 Questions for Evaluating a Commercial Real Estate Marketing Software

There are several factors you might take into consideration when evaluating potential marketing software solution.

How do you find the one that best fits the unique needs of your company?

To start, let’s look at 8 questions that can help identify the most important features for your company, and ensure the software you select will be a viable solution for years to come.

1. How much customization is allowed?

You want a tool that streamlines your efforts, but not one that homogenizes them. The best solution will let you create listing websites, marketing collateral, and other content quickly, but in a custom-fit way that sets it apart from the pack.

Commercial Real Estate Marketing Software

Does it let you create custom URLs for each property? Can you tailor content, graphics, and layout for every listing? Can you easily change up your marketing emails on the fly? You want creative control wherever possible.

2. How scalable is the solution?

If you want to grow as a business, then your marketing platform needs to grow with you. Evaluate how scalable each platform is and its ability to serve you today, tomorrow, and years down the line. More importantly, how quickly can the solution scale and will you need any extra tools, resources, or cash to do it?

Try to think of your business five or 10 years down the road, and evaluate a software with your future-self in mind. Would it still pass the test, or would you need to switch solutions again?

3. How long is the setup process?

You should also evaluate the implementation process for any tool you consider. What’s involved in the platform’s set-up? How long does it take to implement, and what kind of resources do you need to make it happen?

Make sure you’re choosing a tool that you can integrate and start leveraging as soon as possible. The longer it takes to set up and get going, the less you stand to gain from it.

4. How much support is provided?

As you get started with your new CRE software, you may need some support along the way — at least if you want to use your new tools to their full potential. To make sure you have the help you need, always ask about the support team. How and when can you contact them? What can they help with?

Also be sure they can provide support across all devices and operating systems your team uses.

5. Does it integrate with other tools or platforms?

Does the platform work with other tools and software solutions you use, or will you have to change your workflow completely? How easily does it integrate with your website and other commercial real estate tools?

You don’t want to reinvent the wheel here, but instead improve your processes and increase your overall efficiency.

6. How user-friendly is it?

Support is great, but you shouldn’t need help with every step along the way. The best CRE marketing platforms are intuitive, easy to understand, and user-friendly. If they involve a lot of manual processes and back-and-forth between tools, they’re probably not the best use of your time and resources.

To be sure you’re getting an intuitive platform, always demo a CRE solution before buying in. Ask for a guided demonstration or free trial from the provider, and give the software a test run to ensure it meets your needs and feels right.

7. What companies are already using it?

Ask for a client list or, at the very list, look at testimonials and reviews for any platform you consider. If big commercial real estate companies already trust their business to a platform, then you’re probably in good hands. If there aren’t reviews and the company isn’t tight-lipped about its current or previous customers, then you may want to keep looking.

8. How much does it cost?

The cost of the platform obviously matters. Know your budget, get a full breakdown of the costs, and make sure there are no hidden fees that might crop up along the way.

You should also do a full comparison of what you’re getting with each solution you consider. While one may be cheaper than the other, if it doesn’t offer all the features and tools you need to properly market your portfolio, then it might actually cost you more in the long run.

Why do you need a commercial real estate marketing software in the first place?

An effective CRE-focused software can help elevate your commercial real estate marketing strategy and help automate the tedious and time-consuming manual processes that often weigh businesses down. This means you’ll spend less time on administrative back-and-forth tasks and more time growing your business.

If you’re currently using several marketing tools, it can also help you consolidate considerably, cutting down on overall inefficiencies, costs, and hassle.

Have Better Control Of Brand Consistency

One of the best parts of using marketing software is the scale and continuous consistency it brings to all of your materials.

commercial real estate marketing software listing management

The last thing you want is an ad hoc approach with your team producing inconsistent marketing assets, diluting your overall brand equity. A marketing software can help bring consistency to your entire portfolio featuring similar color schemes, fonts, photos, logos and match up with your company’s branding.

Centralize All of Your Data

Gone are the inefficient days of maintaining your data in multiple isolated islands. The advances in cloud-based technologies offer you the power and speed to quickly access property and contact data from anywhere at any time.

Besides centralizing all your admin information, a property marketing tool can help create public facing information hubs to store all your property data for tenants, leasing teams and property managers accessible by one single URL.

Automate Marketing Activities

Without a doubt, one of the most crucial benefits of a full-feature marketing software is the time it saves for your team. You can automate tedious marketing production activities (website updates, client reporting, flyer generation, etc.) and make sure all the moving pieces of your marketing operations are cohesively connected together.

Get Listings To Market Faster

It goes without saying, SPEED is essential when getting ready to list a property on the market. Do you hate creating static aerial maps?

Updating property listing data? Manually updating your company website? Then find yourself a solution that can help you build listing presentations quickly and efficiently, so you can focus your time on higher-value activities.

Access Multiple Tools From One Solution

Full-feature platforms, like SharpLaunch, solve many problems with a suite of commercial real estate marketing tools that are integrated together. This provides a true solution for commercial real estate firms that want to simplify and consolidate the number of tools they’re using. The added benefit of a fully integrated platform is that you only need to purchase, learn, and train your team on one platform vs. several disparate tools.

Gain Visibility To Key Metrics And Client Activity

Another major advantage of a marketing system is the wealth of data and insights it provides you so you can make better sales decisions. Data provided by a CRE marketing system can provide a bird’s eye view to help you analyze your properties and clients. It can surface insights about the sources bringing visitors to your property listings, who has executed your CA/NDA agreements, who has downloaded your documents and who has opened/clicked your emails, etc.

Commercial Real Estate Marketing Software


Good software should save you time and improve results. It should allow you to launch new campaigns faster, link resources together, and augment your existing marketing efforts. It should provide visibility into the impact of your efforts and which campaigns are most successful in driving new prospects to your website.

By asking the questions above and evaluating the key benefits that a marketing platform offers your company, you can be sure you get the very best solution for your needs.

Try SharpLaunch today

Learn how to streamline your CRE marketing operations and amplify your digital presence with an all-in-one solution built for busy commercial real estate teams.

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Announcing our New Document Portal

A cloud-based document portal enables you to organize and consolidate your documents into a single online repository that can easily be shared with potential clients.

After many months of designing and building, we’re excited to announce the roll out of our new Document Portal that provides an improved experience to help you easily create a custom investor portal or tenant portal for your clients.

Below is what you can expect with the new release.

New Setup Wizard

Simple, streamlined experience to get your document portal up and running in a few steps. From configuration settings to an easy drag-and-drop file upload feature.

Mobile Optimized Experience

Share documents with your clients at anytime from anywhere with a fully optimized experience for all devices (desktop, table, mobile) and platforms.

Global Dashboard

View the status of all of your active document portals from one dashboard and start the setup process with a click of a button.

Admin Email Notifications

Receive real-time notifications about client activity including new user registration, executed Confidentiality Agreements, and downloaded documents .

Client Email Notifications

Automated notifications to your clients when they’re granted access to the property’s document portal or a specific private folder.

Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Google My Business Page for Your Property

How many customer journeys begin with Google? Even if the final transaction is completed offline, the journey to a decision usually starts at the search bar.

We all know the challenges and dedication involved in a worthy commercial real estate SEO strategy, but there is a quick win many owners and property managers are ignoring that can help your properties establish their own online presence and convert more visitors.

One of the best ways to make a good first impression, and ensure your property listing gets search visibility is to create a Google My Business for your property.

What is Google My Business?

​​Google My Business (also known as GMB) is a free service to promote local businesses online. It helps people instantly identify search results that are relevant to where they are.

With a business profile, your business will have an online presence in Google Search and Maps — this allows you to respond to reviews, post photos, offers, and add or edit your business information as and when you need it.

By having a business website on Google, when people go to learn more about your properties, the information is there in a clear, prominent, and professionally presented way. It’s a win-win.

What are the benefits of using Google My Business for your property?

The main advantage of creating a Google My Business listing is the added visibility it gives your property.

With a Google My Business profile, you can assure that your listing will appear in the first half of the front page of Google as well as Google Maps – in a dedicated business listing.

This added visibility also comes with credibility. It instantly tells your visitors that they are in the right place and that you offer the service they are searching for.

A GMB profile can also help with your wider SEO strategy. A verified and optimized Google My Business profile stands a greater chance of being in the top search results of local businesses and it can also contribute to your overall website rank.

This is because Google’s local search results are based on “relevance, distance, and prominence.”

Your Google My Business account provides social signals to Google that contribute to these factors. Google sees the profile of organic traffic to your site, people can leave reviews, and you can add crucial business details such as website, contact information, and opening hours. It also helps Google understand your business. By creating this account, you are speaking the language Google understands, clearly and consistently.

How to Make Google Love Your Property Website

Download this eBook containing actionable tips to maximize SEO visibility of your property websites you can start implementing today.


What’s more, it’s free and easy to set up. So, now you’re ready to create your GMB account, here’s what you need to do to get started:

How to create a Google My Business page for your property

Step 1 – Head to Google’s business page

First, go to and click on the “Manage now” button located at the top right-hand corner of the page.

Make sure you are logged in to Google with the email you want to associate with your property listing first. If you are not logged in, Google will ask you to log in.

If you are logged in with a personal account, you can switch which account is active by clicking on the icon in the top right corner and choosing the Google account you want to use.


Step 2 – Find your property

Before creating a listing, Google guides you in searching for your property to see if it is already listed in the Google maps database.

If the address is already in the system, you can select it from the dropdown after entering the address.

If it is not listed in their database, you’ll be able to add it by selecting “Create a Business with this name” and fill in the relevant information.


Step 3 – Add Your Property to the Database

You will be asked to choose the name of the company, category, location, and contact information. This is a very important step given that it will help your tenants or visitors find your building in Google Search. This is a mandatory step.

You will be asked to add a location where customers can go to, this can be a store, an office, etc.

Furthermore, you will be asked to add a location where you offer your services. This step is optional but it is highly recommended you fill out this information since it will help you attract interested tenants or investors.

Once you have entered your location, you will be asked to provide contact information to show to your visitors. This is very important to help provide better customer service and overall experience.

Finally, you will also be asked to verify your business by post. For any business/ property you wish to list, you will be asked to verify it. This step is not mandatory and you can fill it in later on.


After the verification, Google will ask you to fill in some additional information in relation to your business.

You will be asked to add a company description. This will enable customers to have a quick overview of the business/ property.

Another important feature to consider is adding photos of your property building to your listing. This helps customers have a more detailed view of your property and help you generate trust and credibility.

Finally, in order to complete your property listing, you must verify it. You will be able to keep updating specific details about your property, but these will not be displayed publicly until you have been verified.

If you have multiple properties you want to list at the same time, Google also has a bulk upload tool available.

Go to the Main Menu and select “Add business” and select Import businesses.

Google provides a template you can download in .CSV or .XLS to make this process easier.

Just transfer your property details into the layout they provide and upload the file back into the system to automatically add all of the properties to their database.

Be careful not to accidentally change the format as it is important they match up.

Your finished spreadsheet should look like this:


Step 4 – Verify Your Property

Once you have added your property to the system, you will be able to view all the information related to your listing in the “information” option on the left-hand side of the page. Here you can edit specific details such as phone number, add a company description, add photos, and much more.

It’s not quite ready for publication yet, though. First, Google needs to verify that you do in fact operate this location.

To verify your contact details, you have two options.

  1. If you’ve previously verified your business’s website with Google Search Console, you can be instantly verified in Google My Business
  2. If you have not yet done so, you’ll need to use the postcard verification option. If you have chosen this option, make sure you do not edit your business name, address or category while you wait for your verification postcard. You should also make sure not to request a new code.

You can also request a bulk verification for 10+ locations.

Google will mail a postcard with a shortcode on it to the address you’ve just entered into the system.

You can continue setting up the profile in full, but it won’t be verified and published until you have received that code and entered it into the system.

Step 5 – Manage Your Listing

Once created, it’s important to keep your listings as up-to-date as possible. Offer the option for users to message your business directly, add a description for a richer, and more engaging listing, and add up to date photos to convert more impressions into clicks.

These are powerful resources that can be leveraged to build traffic to your website, build rapport with tenants and investors, and generate real interest in your property.

If there are new photos taken after renovations or updates, add them to your Google Business listing, if your website URL changes or contact information changes, update it as soon as possible.

By taking full advantage of this resource, you can benefit from a powerful tool that will generate increased exposure in Google while generating increased organic traffic.

New Listing Syndication Partnership with Yardi’s CommercialEdge

We’re excited to announce a new listing syndication partnership with CommercialEdge a property research platform designed by Yardi Systems Inc.

The partnership provides SharpLaunch customers additional opportunities to expand the visibility of their listings with CommercialEdge’s CommercialEdge Listing Network comprised of CommercialSearch, PropertyShark, CommercialCafe, and Point2, attracting more than 15 million monthly visitors.

With the help of a team of listing specialists, the group generates in excess of 100,000 verified leads per year, ensuring that users receive only real, high-quality inquiries.

For SharpLaunch customers that means that they can opt-in to have their sales and lease listings automatically display in the CommercialEdge marketplace free of charge. The process is done through an API integration that enables customers to benefit from wider distribution without the hassle of having to manage and update listings from multiple platforms.

“The partnership with Yardi’s Commercial Edge platform and the listing syndication to their extensive network provides exceptional value to our clients by extending the visibility of their properties and making the marketing efforts easier for their entire team.” – Neska Husar, Marketing Director, SharpLaunch

“SharpLaunch is a rapidly growing leader in the Commercial Real Estate marketing vertical and it has been great working with their team to make this happen. We see this as just the beginning of a strong partnership with many other opportunities in the future and have confidence that the CommercialEdge platform is going to contribute to SharpLaunch’s best-in-class experience for their clients, who will benefit greatly from having their data automatically syndicated to our network. It truly is a win-win for everyone.” – Turner Levison, Senior Account Executive, Yardi