
6 Strategies to Gain a Competitive Advantage During a Downturn

As the commercial real estate industry comes to grips with another downturn, the de facto mindset becomes very defensive in an effort to protect immediate profits. Specifically, one of the first areas companies tend to slash right away is marketing spend.

But this is a recipe for failure.

There are numerous studies and evidence against this line of defensive thinking.

A Harvard Business Review study analyzed the strategies and corporate performance of thousands of companies during three global recessions. During the recessions of 1980, 1990, and 2000, 17% of the 4,700 public companies studied struggled: went bankrupt, went private, or were acquired. However, 9% of the companies flourished, outperforming competitors by at least 10% in sales and profits growth.

Another study by Bain & Company of nearly 3,900 companies worldwide during the last recession found that winners diverged from losers, with winners growing at a 17% compound annual growth rate during the downturn, compared to 0% among the losers.

The main discoveries found that the most successful companies after the recession focused on:

1. Operational efficiency improvements

2. Spent more on marketing


Down market represents a big opportunity to get ahead of competitors and increase market share in the markets you’re operating in

Below we’ve created a list of six strategies to set your organization up for success on the brink of industry-altering changes to ensure you maintain the competitive advantage.

1. Keep your foot on the gas

The perception created for your customers, partners and greater CRE community that comes from marketing & advertising garners good will and trust long before they become a customer.

While others reduce their spending on marketing, there is a greater opportunity to increase share of voice and brand awareness when your competitors go silent. Even if your marketing spending remains the same, it’s likely you will get more advertising distribution, with less competition at lower costs. A recession is an optimal time to invest in marketing as your money goes further. 

In addition, reduced marketing activity can indicate your business is vulnerable.

Try to maintain similar levels of marketing to help convey confidence and stability as it’s important to signal trust to your customers, partners, employees. 

2. Invest in new channels

Customers want—and expect—to engage seamlessly across 10+ or more channels during their decision journey. A McKinsey study shows that decision makers are using 2X more channels before interacting with a company compared to 5 years ago. This means it’s a great time to consider expanding your footprint and begin experimenting with new channels. 

There are plenty of free and low-cost channels to consider that only require time and effort with minimal capital expenditure.

Some areas to consider to stay top of mind during this time:

  • Get more active on social media – If you’ve previously not been very active then start getting busy on social media and engage in conversations.
  • Step up your SEO (search engine optimization) – improve your website visibility for hundreds and thousands of daily keyword searches in Google by potential tenants, investors and other CRE professionals.
  • Run Google Ads campaignsGoogle keyword Ads are an effective way to generate targeted visibility and acquire visitors for your company and properties.

3. Embrace new customers

Make sure your past customers don’t fall off your radar – now more than ever is the time to focus on customer loyalty. Drawing on one of the most widely used sales theories that 20% of your customers drive 80% of your sales, it is only natural that customer retention is critical to growth, especially in a recession.


  • The cost of acquiring a new customer is 5-15X more than retaining an existing one.
  • Referrals are critical – typical CRE brokerage earns +40% of their business from repeat clients and referrals from past clients.

Focus on the quality and depth of your relationships to give you leverage during a soft market.

4. Consolidate your tech stack

Investing in the right digital initiatives at the right cost can blunt the negative effects of economic downturn in the short term and help drive your competitive position in the long term. 

Challenge existing workflows and processes to make them faster, simpler and more agile for the long term.

Be super critical of the purpose and effectiveness of the tools your organization uses. 

Ask the hard questions: 

  • Where’s the bloat within our processes and day to day operations?
  • What can we automate or better streamline?
  • Are any of our tools redundant or duplicative?
  • How often are my teams using these tools?
  • Are we using the data or insights from these tools?
  • Do any of these tools integrate together?

5. Improve data hygiene

Th highest ROI marketing channel in CRE is email.

Performance is dictated by a few factors (content, when you send, segmentation, etc.) but one of the most overlooked is data hygiene.

Internet service providers care about your credibility and rank your sender reputation to determine whether your message gets delivered. Data hygiene is absolutely critical for your email marketing strategy. Clean data can improve both deliverability and engagement rates to make your email campaigns more effective. If nothing else, focus on the following:

  • Clean Your Lists Regularly – When an email address changes, your messages will bounce. Those emails often remain in the database for months or even years past the point at which they can be reached. Remove them when you spot a bounce.
  • Purge Unsubscribes – If someone unsubscribes, remove them from your email list. As spam and privacy laws tighten, it’s more important than ever to clear these people out and not attempt to contact them.
  • Remove Inactive Contacts – No contact is ever truly gone, but there are certain thresholds you can watch. If someone hasn’t opened an email or engaged with your content in more than 12 months, consider removing them, or setting up a cold-nurture campaign to attempt reengagement one last time before deletion.

The cleaner your database, the more likely you can improve your deliverability and get email campaigns directly in the inbox of your users.

During a downmarket this becomes critical because you want to maximize your chance of success as much as possible.

6. Outsource functional roles

Hiring an agency or consultant helps you leverage greater expertise in many more disciplines than you have in-house.

1. It helps you leverage greater expertise in many more disciplines than you probably have in-house. You can tap into experts in design, web development, data mining for prospecting, online marketing and any number of other fields; Usually these guys are staying up to date with the current trends and technologies that you will have at your disposal.

2. By outsourcing your marketing, you can free up your bandwidth and focus your team’s time on high-value activities that have the most impact on your business’s bottom line. Great way to offload your work and make you more efficient.

3. Finally, outsourcing is an effective way to reduce HR costs & overhead. A single internal hire can not only cost tens of thousands of dollars but also represents lots of headache that goes with it (recruiting, interviewing, onboarding, etc.) and then the recurring risk of turnover that all add up to significant expenses.

SharpLaunch Announces New Listing Syndication with RI Marketplace

At SharpLaunch, we’re proud to announce our latest syndication launch with the innovative team at RI Marketplace, the leading online sales platform for commercial real estate (CRE) transactions. Through this new joint effort, SharpLaunch clients’ listings can now be viewed on Marketplace’s Listings page. Sharplaunch’s brokers can now take advantage of a new, curated, and fast-growing network of highly vetted investors and for Marketplace’s buyers to gain access to more opportunities. 

The process is managed through an API integration that enables brokers to benefit from a wider distribution of their listings without having to manually input and update data from one site to another. SharpLaunch’s ability to help streamline marketing operations for busy commercial real estate clients like CBRE and Cushman & Wakefield allows them to quickly and easily publish their listings so they can get back to driving revenue and making an impact at their organization.

“Marketplace has built a network of over 100,000 qualified investors nationwide with a proven track record of buying assets and who regularly visit Marketplace’s website in search of their next deal,” said Bob Samii, Founder and CEO of SharpLaunch, “Making sure our listings could integrate with such a powerful platform was an easy choice, and an important one for the customers who rely on us to help them find the right buyers.”

“By working together and utilizing the best of both technologies, we are meeting the demands of our users – SharpLaunch clients gain more visibility for their property listings and Marketplace investors get to see more opportunities to buy” said James Shevlin President and Chief Operating Officer at CWCapital, an affiliate company of RI Marketplace, “In collaborating with top tier CRE entrepreneurs and thought-leaders like SharpLaunch, we are creating a win win win for us, our clients and the industry as whole. We are consciously trying to move the CRE space forward by creating a culture of openness with technology innovators – and having fun while we do it.” 


About SharpLaunch

SharpLaunch is a powerful commercial real estate marketing software that accelerates lease and sales volume for busy CRE teams. As experts in commercial real estate marketing, SharpLaunch provides a suite of easy-to-use tools to streamline marketing operations, accelerate time-to-market, and amplify the digital presence of commercial properties. Learn more.

About RI Marketplace

RI Marketplace is the leading auction platform for commercial real estate transactions, bringing buyers, sellers and brokers together to efficiently list, market and close deals. The platform allows local, national and global investors the opportunity to quickly review and bid on assets throughout the country. Marketplace is managed by a dedicated team of commercial asset experts with more than $11 billion in online real estate sales. Since its inception in May 2017, the platform has completed more than $3.4 billion in transactions.

About CWCapital Asset Management LLC

CWCapital is a highly rated special servicer, investment management, and analytics firm with over $220 billion UPB of name servicing rights. CWCapital provides value maximization services and solutions for clients throughout the entire investment life cycle. The company is comprised of experienced real estate specialists managing one of the largest Special Servicing platforms. CWCapital offers deep market experience in acquisition services, underwriting, due diligence, investment management, dispositions, CMBS research, bond analytics – all powered by RealINSIGHT, a state-of-the-art asset management software.

LoopLink Alternatives: How to Display Your Listings on Your Own Website

The LoopNet widget, LoopLink, allows you to display your property listings on your website. Its plug-and-play design automatically pulls data on your listing over to your website.

But, unlike other other options on the market, it offers limited features and flexibility.

There are many alternatives to LoopLink available, some of which offer much more control over how listings look and behave.

Let’s take a look at how LoopLink works, and why an alternative might be a better fit for your needs.

What is LoopLink?

LoopLink is a simple “one size fits all” widget that is embedded on your commercial real estate website to display your LoopNet property listings. When visitors view details of a listing, the information opens directly on the LoopNet platform.

It uses the same technology which LoopNet uses on its own website to display properties. They’ve built it so that companies can use the LoopNet API to install the LoopNet WordPress plugin on their own website.

When the widget is displayed on your site, you can add and update properties on LoopNet, and it will automatically push to your website – and its network of property listing sites.

The ease of LoopLink means that you can get more done, simply by keeping the process of listing your property as easy as possible. Everything is updated in the same dashboard and updates automatically, which is one less thing for you to worry about when making any changes.

You also don’t need any complex technical knowledge to use LoopLink. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never used an API, or even know what one is. All you need to do is install the LoopNet WordPress plugin and decide where to put the widget on your site.

Although the LoopLink search widget provides an effective solution for those who want something basic and don’t mind sending all of their website visitors to external listing pages (instead of their own company website), there are some downsides to LoopLink to consider.

Although the LoopLink search widget provides an effective solution for those that want something basic and don’t mind sending all of their website visitors to LoopNet listing pages (instead of their own company website), there are also some downsides to LoopLink to consider:

❌  “Canned” widget for all customers

LoopLink offers a one-size-fits all widget. That means you have limited options to get it to fit your needs, and limited options to alter its appearance.

❌  No customization of layout, styles or features

LoopLink only offers a handful of design options for how you can display a property. You may find none of these fit the design of your website, but you don’t have any other options.

❌  Sends all visitors to external LoopNet pages (not your domain)

Instead of allowing visitors to view the listing on your website, they’re redirected to external LoopNet pages if they’d like more information.

❌  Additional monthly cost

LoopNet charges a monthly fee to use the service and embed it on your website. That means, as soon as your subscription ends, you lose access to all its features on LoopNet and on your website.
LoopNet LoopLink Alternatives

What if you want better customizations? Or retain your visitors on your own website? Or better SEO visibility?

If these are important and you want to display your properties on your own website, then you might consider the following options:

1) Custom developed solution
2) Turnkey platform like SharpLaunch

Let’s dive into the benefits of each option:

1. Custom developed solution

With a customized listing search solution, the sky is the limit.

An experienced web agency can develop just about anything you can dream of as an alternative to LoopLink. Whether a basic portfolio display or a highly complex listings search engine completely tailored to your requirements that seamlessly integrates with your website. This means that you can replace the LoopLink widget to keep your visitors on your website and have absolute control of your property listings.

The biggest downsides of a custom solution to consider:

❌   Takes months to develop
Building custom solutions is a time-consuming process. You could be looking several quarters into the future before you even have a beta product to use. If you’re in need of something sooner rather than later, this isn’t ideal.

❌   Costly implementation fees
Outsourcing software development to a web agency may mean you get a custom product, but it’s also an expensive endeavour.

❌   Manual maintenance
Every website and app needs maintenance. A custom solution means you need to pay someone to maintain that software on a regular basis.

SharpLaunch is a great alternative to LoopLink, as it provides a WordPress plugin that allows you to display your property listings with the help of a turnkey commercial real estate search engine.

You maintain control of your listings, retain your visitors, and benefit from many additional value-add features.

The value of a “plug and play” solution is that it helps automate your marketing and there are continuous updates and improvements to the platform. That means access to new features and technology without you having to make requests from a web developer.

However, there are a number of other benefits to consider:

✅  Properties on your own website domain

✅  Retain and capture website visitors

✅  Faster setup

✅  Customized to your branding

✅  Advanced search features, sorting and filters

✅  Better SEO visibility

✅  User tracking and analytics

✅  Automatic integrations with other systems/tools

✅  Syndication to 3rd party commercial real estate listings

✅  Ability to link listings to branded URL

How it works

The SharpLaunch commercial real estate search engine automatically pulls information from your property listing thanks to a WordPress API integration that allows for 24/7 updates. Any updates you make to your SharpLaunch listings will be directly updated and displayed on your company website.

The user experience can be tailored to your website styling and branding so it is completely coherent with your existing company website. Customization options allow you to select from a variety of styles, search features, layouts (list view, grid view, interactive map) and custom filters depending on your requirements.

Property search engine examples

Below are a few examples of custom SharpLaunch commercial real estate search engine displays to showcase your properties on your own website. The property search engines are tailored to the requirements and branding of each client.

Example: map based display

LoopNet LoopLink Alternatives example commercial real estate search engine

LoopNet LoopLink Alternatives example commercial real estate search engine

Example: grid display

LoopNet LoopLink Alternatives example commercial real estate search engine

LoopNet LoopLink Alternatives example commercial real estate search engine


If you’re interested in learning more about how you can display your listings on your website, get in touch!

Commercial Real Estate Email Marketing: The Advanced Guide

Why do some commercial real estate email marketing campaigns succeed while others fall flat?

It can seem like email marketing is a hit-or-miss mystery, but there is a tried-and-true way to harness this powerful tool: you must constantly recalibrate your campaigns and always personalize your messages with a human touch for optimum results.

As technology enables great advances in the commercial real estate industry, every email campaign must be adapted and innovated to meet the moment.

Drawing on this intelligence, email campaigns can be thoughtfully and strategically developed by utilizing smart subject lines, send times and specially designed commercial real estate email templates.

Sounds like a tall order? Worry not. In this comprehensive guide to commercial real estate email marketing, we’ve compiled all the top commercial real estate email marketing tactics you need to create and implement a successful campaign from start to finish.

1. Define Your Audience

Email is a powerful tool that can re-engage lapsed contacts, build relationships with new prospects, and get a deal within feet of the finish line before a sales conversation. All of these benefits, however, are dependent on your understanding of your audience.

Broad, generic messaging broadcast out to a massive list of diverse contacts won’t work, so it’s vital you take the time to better understand who you’re contacting and what they need.

How do you define your audience? Here are some questions you should be able to answer:

  • The Demographics – Step one is the basics. What kind of job titles, seniority, age, and general characteristics do your target prospects share? Nothing is universal but try to get a snapshot of what the group looks like.
  • What Are Their Problems? – What issues, concerns, or questions do these individuals share? Are they focused on location? Price? Condition? Are there other factors that come up frequently in sales conversations? Know these questions and your emails will better reflect your business to the target audience.
  • Where Do They Get Answers? – Where do these people go online to get answers to those questions and solutions to those problems? Get a sense of the commercial real estate websites they use, social media platforms they are members of, and blogs they read.

By knowing the three things above, you can paint a more detailed portrait of your ideal prospect, and your emails will be much better for it.

40+ Ways to Promote your Commercial Property

Download this eBook containing more than 40 actionable ideas to extend the footprint of your properties you can start implementing today.

2. Segment Your Contacts

Broad, generic messages that are broadcast out to a massive list of diverse contacts doesn’t work anymore, so it’s vital you take the time to better understand who you’re contacting and what their interests are.

Segmenting your contact list is by far one of the most powerful things you can do.

Unfortunately, it can also be the most difficult and time consuming. Done right, however, segmentation of your contact list can help you to pinpoint key targets within segments of your list with messages that resonate.

Your giant one-size-fits-all email list could have hundreds or even thousands of prospects who all have specific needs that are unique to their situation. Sending every one of them an update about specific properties doesn’t work as well as segmenting and sending targeted messages.

To segment your list effectively, break it up by specific categories including:

  • Location
  • Organization Type
  • Job Function
  • Interest Level
  • Target Property

A good list might look like “Retail Buyers – Warm Prospects – Boston”.

The naming conventions can vary depending on your system and how you like to organize things, but the key here is breaking things up to be easily searchable and super targeted.

The goal of list segmentation is to adapt content and messaging to match each segment. Prospects in Boston and Washington DC deal with different issues on a daily basis and will respond to different messages in your emails. The same is true of people in different types of organizations, job functions, and levels of seniority.

3. Manage Your List

A good email list is not necessarily large – it is targeted, primed, and maintained.

It’s better to have 500 contacts who have opened your emails, engaged with your content, and actively sought out your expertise than a list of 5,000 contacts who have never heard of you, or who haven’t opened an email in more than a year.

To maximize return on your emails, keep your delivery rates high, and ensure you know exactly what to expect when you reach out to your list, list management is vital. Here’s what it entails:

  • Clean Your Lists Regularly – When an email address changes, your messages will bounce. Those emails often remain in the database for months or even years past the point at which they can be reached. Remove them when you spot a bounce.
  • Purge Unsubscribes – If someone unsubscribes, remove them from your email list. As spam and privacy laws tighten, it’s more important than ever to clear these people out and not attempt to contact them.
  • Remove Inactive Contacts– No contact is ever truly gone, but there are certain thresholds you can watch. If someone hasn’t opened an email or engaged with your content in more than 12 months, consider removing them, or setting up a cold-nurture campaign to attempt reengagement one last time before deletion.

4. Elements of a Great Email

An effective commercial real estate email template for your property marketing efforts should contain the most important elements that help create impact, quick to digest and drive your prospective tenants or investors to take action.

Subject Line

The subject line is the first impression you make with prospects and the initial call to action delivered to subscribers when trying to improve open rates.

Strong Images

Visuals are hugely important to driving engagement with any content online, especially for property listings blasts. A strong lead image at the top of your newsletter will capture attention and drive readership down the screen.


Your headline will make it immediately clear what your email is about, like for example, recent property listings, tips about the local market, general information about a building or a specific location.


Sub-headers in an email break up content and keep it from being overwhelming. If you plan on including several property listings, multiple articles, and calls to action, it should be broken up for easy scanning, especially on a mobile device on which there will be a lot of scrolling.

Enticing Content

Your copy needs to be more than just a summary of the property, but a highlight of specific benefits that property has to offer.

Drive traffic to your property listings with enticing copy that offers a reason for someone to click. Keep it short and concise with a clear purpose and you’ll drive much greater engagement out of inboxes.

Call to Action

Include a call to action button or link that stands out from the copy and directs potential tenants and investors to act. Buttons perform better than text links in visual emails while factors like size, design, and color can all attract more attention and get the click throughs to your property websites you’re looking for.

Contact Information

Make it easy for your contacts to get in touch by provide a name, title, phone number and email.

Also, include headshots wherever possible to provide a personal touch to your communications.

5. The Perfect Subject Line

Whether you want to make a good first impression with a new prospect or encourage a long-term client to re-engage, your email need enticing commercial real estate subject lines that stand out in crowded inboxes, pique interest, encourage the recipient to open, and prime them to take the desired action.

By reviewing the open and click rates of your recent campaigns, you can get a better idea of which subject line approaches work best for different segments of your audience and different types of CRE emails. However, there are also several other best practices that can boost the odds of your emails being seen and opened.

Be Specific, Relevant, and Detailed

While brevity is recommended, particularly for mobile-optimized campaigns, it is also important to include concrete, specific details that will communicate exactly why your CRE email is of interest or benefit to the reader:

  • Size – When sending property-specific emails, including the square footage in the subject line can immediately appeal to recipients looking for spaces around that size. Pair this approach with a targeted list to enhance its effectiveness. One caveat: Don’t lead with the numbers as this dry intro might turn readers off.
  • Location/Area – If the property is in a particularly hot area or one that doesn’t often have spaces available, including that in the subject line can convey the sense of an unmissable opportunity.
  • Interest/Competition – By indicating scarcity (e.g. “X spaces left”) or high levels of interest (e.g. “X leases signed just today”), you can create a feeling of urgency to drive engagement.
  • Progress/Updates – Mentioning exciting new renderings, before and after shots, or visual progress updates can be highly engaging and build anticipation. This is particularly useful if you have a targeted list of prospects who have shown interest in a property undergoing renovations or a new property being built from the ground up.

Shorten Your Subject Line

Another common factor that directly impacts open rates is subject length.

Specifically, subject lines with 1-3 words perform better than shorter, succinct headlines.

Why? There are a couple of reasons.

First, shorter usually means more personal. When was the last time you wrote a 7-word subject line in capital case to your mother? You probably wrote something like “checking in” or “pictures of kids”. This is how people communicate and it’s the type of emails people respond to.

Email subject words count

Source: Yesware

Another factor here is the mobile component.

People read 40% of their email on a mobile device first, and most mobile devices can only display 4-7 words of the subject line.

Go too long and it’s not clear what an email is about. A surefire way to get dumped in the trash.

Source Marketo

6. When to Send Your Emails

There are several bits of “common knowledge” when it comes to email send times. After all, if you can get your email in front of prospects at the right time, they are going to be less busy and more likely to open.

But how do you know when the best time is when there are so many conflicting bits of advice out there?

Here are two things to consider when evaluating the send time for your email:

Avoid the competition

Conventional wisdom says that business emails should be sent between 9am-6pm Tuesday-Thursday.

Avoid Mondays when people are overwhelmed and Fridays when people are checked out. But in reality, because everyone does this, the vast majority of business emails are delivered between 11am-4pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. That’s a lot of volume in the middle of the week.

Interestingly, a recent GetResponse study on global data suggests that the best time for sending emails was between 4 am and 6 am (based on the open and the click-through rate).

However, always consider what you would like your recipients to do upon opening the email. If you would like them to take a specific action such as get in touch by phone or email, the best bet would always be to send emails between 8am and 5pm.

The same study suggests that there’s no major difference globally in open and click through rates between workdays, whereas during the weekend those rates decrease.

For US and Canada based audiences, Fridays have the best open rate and in terms of clicks Thursday and Tuesday lead the pack.

Source Get Response

7. Improve Deliverability

Nothing is more frustrating than preparing an email, finely tuning it for your audience and then seeing that a high percentage of people didn’t even receive it.

There are plenty of things you can do to ensure your emails get where they belong, including some simple, non-technical steps you can take right now to reduce the likelihood they are seen as spam and boost the number that get into the right inboxes.

Check your Sender Score

Did you know every email you send can be seen and tracked by ISPs to ensure you don’t represent a high spam threat level? This is a good thing, though, because it means we can see that data.

Sender Score offers a tool that will share with you your performance when sending emails and then provide a score from 1 to 100. Some of the stuff they use to calculate this score includes:

  • Blacklists
  • Recent complaints
  • Infrastructure (how your emails are sent)
  • Message filtering levels
  • Sender rejection notices
  • Spam traps
  • Unknown users

While some of this can represent technical issues you’ll need outside help to address, checking your Sender Score can ensure you are aware of the issues and do your best to address them.

Improving Your Deliverability Rates with Smart Send Strategies

There are several things you can do to improve sender ratings and deliverability based on when you send emails, who you send them to, and how those emails are validated. Some of the simple things you can do right now to address these issues include:

  • Sending Consistently – When emails go out in erratic spikes, you might see higher rates of rejection and a lower overall sender score. Sending consistently over time is an important way to avoid this.
  • Use the Same Sender – Make sure to keep the sender name consistent for your email. If your sender name switches all the time, you will increase the possibility of getting flagged by spam filters and make it less likely that your emails will be delivered.
  • Ensure Your Contacts Are Opted In – The last thing you want is for someone to flag your email as spam. If someone isn’t sure why they’re getting an email from you, that’s a bad sign as it can quickly lead to high spam rates and eventual blacklisting. Only send to people who have requested information from you, and use a double opt-in and email confirmation process to avoid this issue.
  • Clean Your List Regularly – On a regular basis, remove bounced emails, unsubscribes, and other non-deliverables from your list. When you send to these and they bounce back, it can trigger a block or filters on your emails to all addresses. Use an email validation service that will check for inactive accounts as well as duplicates, old domains, records that have requested no messages, honeypots designed to catch spam bots, and other issues that could hurt future deliverability rates.

For a commercial real estate marketing campaign, email is one of the most effective tools at your disposal. Which is why it’s so dangerous to send emails that might spike your spam rate or put you on a blacklist that drops your deliverability rates. Be mindful, carefully prune your list and send smartly to avoid this happening.

8. Develop a Follow Up Strategy

If nothing else, remember that follow up wins deals. Even the most robust and effective email marketing campaigns can be run aground by a lack of follow up.

The average email is opened within a day of sending it 91% of the time. That means only 9% of emails opened are opened after a full day has passed. They get buried in unmanaged inboxes and never seen again.

And while it’s easy to assume these lost emails are intentionally ignored, the simple truth is that the average business user receives between 100-150 emails per day.

If something isn’t deemed important during a particularly busy period of time, it will fall into the abyss quickly. So a strong follow up strategy is a must when prospecting via email.

Yesware has a recent study that shows that more than half of first replies only came after the 3rd email was sent, and more than 30% weren’t seen until the 7th email or more.

It can take several follow ups over the course of several weeks to get a response. Don’t give up so easily.

Some other things you should do to improve your follow up game include:

Using email sequences for outreach automation
When contacting cold prospects or those you haven’t spoken with for some time, automation can ensure better follow up over the long term with scheduled sequences. Those that can be updated based on engagement are even better, escalating prospects that open or click an email vs those that do not.

Vary your outreach times
All the best practices in the world mean nothing if your target doesn’t open the email at the time targeted. Vary your outreach time if you don’t get responses during normal business hours or weekdays. Move to weekends, late nights, or off hours to see if there’s a gap in their schedule that makes response more likely.

Resend to non-openers
If someone doesn’t open your email, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are not interested. They could be out of the office, didn’t see the email, or were too busy to read or reply when it was sent. Most people don’t empty their inboxes, so once it’s missed, it’s unlikely to be seen again. To counter this, resend emails to non-openers a week later with a new subject line.

9. Track Results

Finally, for your email efforts to be effective, you need create a real estate marketing report to know what works and what doesn’t.

A surprisingly large number of CRE professionals rely on that gut feeling of business being better or worse to determine if their efforts are actually working.

But it’s important to know not only what works but why it works, when it works, and what changes had the greatest positive impact.


Specifically, you should:

  • Track key metrics for your emails – For each of your email sends, you should know the open rate, reply rate, and click rate on any links included in your message.
  • Segment based on email type – The data for personal emails sent from your CRM will be different from marketing emails and newsletters sent via autoresponder or marketing tools. Measure each separately to make smarter decisions based on that data.
  • A/B test your headlines – For emails going to larger audiences, don’t be afraid to test different types of subject line. If you are contacting several hundred prospects at once via autoresponder, try a handful of different headlines to see which perform best. Software that supports A/B testing in a single batch is even more effective because you can keep all variables static except for the subject line.
  • Measure change over time – Track how your metrics change over time based on the changes you make to your campaigns. If you implement a new template, how does this impact your response rates? A pretty new template that drops your open rate by 15% probably isn’t worth the visual upgrade, for example.

10. Pro Tips

★ Use the CC Field to Improve Response Rate

An effective trick that works well for prospecting is to send your emails to multiple people.

Specifically, by sending the email to one person directly and another via CC, you can improve your open and reply rates by as much as 12%.

That’s a big boost and generally improves your likelihood of someone in the organization you’re trying to reach getting the message you’ve sent.

When speaking with prospects, always ask if there is anyone else that should be included in the email. This will help in the long term.

★ Send Targeted Follow up Messages

Good follow up messages are absolutely key to ensure success of your campaigns. Remember the following principles in your next follow-up emails:

  • Mention previous discussion and include context to clearly explain what you are referring to
  • Make it personal and avoid cliché and generic phrases like “just wanted to check in”, show people you actually care
  • Keep it simple – remind them about who you are and why you matter to them

★ A/B Test Actively to Know What Works

Even if you land on a formula that works effectively and drives good open and click rates, it could be better.

And you’ll never know what would or could work better unless you split test. By running the same email with a slight change to different segments of your list you can see what types of language resonate most effectively with your audience. Here are three things you can test doing this:

  • Statements vs. Questions in Your Subject Lines – You’ll see data from both sides on whether a question or statement works best. In reality, it’s all about your audience and what they find most engaging. Test your messages with simple tweaks to the format.
  • Timing of Your Messages – While there is a benefit to be had to sending emails in off hours, such as the weekend, you should always test to be sure. Make sure it actually works as intended by testing against a more common time or day.
  • Personalization – Test several different formats of personalization in your emails. Specifically, you should test use of merge fields in your subject line, salutation, and the call to action at the end of the body of your email.


Email Marketing Done Right is Immensely Powerful

A well-constructed email marketing campaign that pays close attention to the most effective strategies for getting prospects to open, reply to, or click on links in your emails will almost certainly have a positive impact on your business.

The more prospects you can engage with a simple email, the more robust your pipeline will be and the more active your sales reps will be engaging with those prospects.

And it all starts with understanding what works and what doesn’t and making smart changes to improve your results.

Checklist: 8 Things to Consider When Building a Commercial Property Search Engine

Whether you have a property search engine that isn’t delivering the features you need, you’re paying a website designer every time you need to make changes, or you don’t have a search engine set up at all, this is a part of your commercial real estate (CRE) marketing that deserves your attention. In the digital age, all CRE companies need a single place to display their entire property portfolio. 

They need a high-performing commercial property search engine (PSE).

Does it have to be a search engine, specifically? Can’t you just have your properties laid out in a static portfolio or some other format? Sure, you can. But you risk losing your audience. 

Studies show that the most common task performed with a smartphone is search. Think about that. With all the apps and functionalities on our phones, our number-one go-to is filtering through information to find what we need.

Your tenants and investors want that on your website, too. And that means you need the right commercial property search engine. To help you pinpoint the best PSE, there are a handful of core areas to consider.

1. Implementation time

Since time is money, you need a way to get listings to market fast. That all starts with the time it takes to implement your commercial property search engine initially. With a design agency, this usually takes several months. Even some tech tools take a while to get up and running. Plus, when you need to get new listings online fast, having to involve a web designer or a slow-moving, hard-to-use software pretty much guarantees that won’t happen. 

Don’t be fooled: you can deploy new listings on your search engine quickly enough to match the speed you need. There are absolutely marketing tools that can make it speedy and easy to deploy and update your PSE. 

2. Branding and design

You need a way to stand out from the crowd. A cookie-cutter property search engine that doesn’t feature your company’s logo or colors isn’t going to deliver that. 

Some commercial real estate search engines promise easy setup and cost-effectiveness, but they offer the same look and feel to all of the different CRE companies that use them. That means your property search engine could look a lot like your competitor’s, making it hard to stand out in your potential client’s mind. 

3. Customization capabilities

In a similar vein, some companies that offer PSE functionality have a narrow scope. Yes, you can use their tool to create a property search engine. But what can you do with the individual listings within the PSE? 

You want (and may even need) a high level of customization. Some properties may benefit from including rich maps or downloadable assets, for example. You want to be able to tailor the content within your PSE to your needs. If you can’t, again, your site might end up looking just like all of your competitors’. 

(You can learn more about property listing customization in our guide.) 

4. Type of technology

Assuming you choose a tech tool to create your PSE, you need to consider which type is best for your CRE company. The main choices here are:

  • Application programming interface (API). This type of tool gives you the highest level of control and customization over the way your search engine displays, but it takes technical expertise to set up. Ideally, your commercial real estate search engine should come from a company that can build the API for you. 
  • Widget. Widgets are generally much simpler to set up because the API is already built in. But this limits your customization options and can create issues if the developer who made the widget pushes updates you don’t want through. 
  • Inline frame (iframe). Essentially, with this option, you put a box on your website, then place the content you want in the iframe there. You could use it to embed a PDF of your property listings, for example. With that option, though, you need to continually update what’s in the iframe and it won’t be searchable. 

5. Cost

Far too many CRE companies pay website design agencies far too much because they think it’s the only way to maintain an updated property portfolio. 

Actually, though, if you choose the right marketing technology, it can automatically create your branded commercial property search engine — and make automatic updates whenever you add a new listing or take one down. 

6. Domain names

Pay attention to the URLs that would come with any PSE you’re considering. It might seem like a minor thing — until a prospect goes to save it or share it. If the URL isn’t one you own (e.g., rather than your, you run a risk. If the prospect only copies down part of the address, they could end up just looking at your marketing software or, worse yet, getting redirected to a competitor’s listing. 

7. Data migration

How does the info about your listings get into the PSE? This should be easy. Today, there are integrations that can make it simple to push data from your CRM or data warehouse to your PSE. This saves you from having to manually re-enter data you’ve already captured in another location. Plus, it can push property updates you make in your CMS straight to the PSE. 

8. Keeping leads to yourself

Far too many PSEs operate through a third-party marketplace. But this means you’re sending prospects out into the internet at large rather than keeping them on web domains you own. 

Don’t send visitors to a marketplace where they might see someone else’s listing and choose them instead. You want to retain and convert visitors on your own website by choosing a search engine that keeps prospects on webpages you exclusively own. 

There’s a lot to consider when you’re searching for a commercial property search engine. To discuss what’s best for your CRE company with an expert, get in touch.

New SharpLaunch 2.0 Experience

We’ve spent the past year refreshing SharpLaunch with our customers at the heart of it. After many months of listening to your feedback, designing and building, we’re excited to introduce the new SharpLaunch 2.0 experience.

The investments we have made in SharpLaunch will result in us bringing continuous product enhancements and expanding integration possibilities with other major CRE software and marketing platforms.

sharplaunch 2.0 marketing platform

Here’s how we’ve improved the new version of the platform:

A simple, streamlined experience

With the new experience, you can get faster and easier access to all of your property modules and navigate with less friction

New features and customizations

Improved features and customization capabilities to enhance the digital experience for your customers

Enhanced performance

Significant infrastructure improvements to increase scalability and speed to allow you to work even faster than before

Extended API capabilities

New APIs to expand openness and interoperability across an ecosystem of industry players and streamlined data sharing

How to access the new experience

The new SharpLaunch 2.0 platform is now the default experience. This means that you will automatically see the new experience when creating a new campaign or editing an existing campaign.

Log in now to try it out.

Announcing our new Content Management System

After many months of research and design, we’re excited to announce the roll out of our new Content Management System that provides an improved user experience to help you create and manage your property websites faster than ever.

The new CMS includes flexible and intuitive website creation tool, so you can launch property websites in a matter of minutes.

Here’s what’s new:

New User Experience

The new CMS features an intuitive user interface and a consolidated design with the rest of the platform.

Improved Performance

It’s now faster than ever to move between sections, upload files and update changes.

Flexibility and Control

The new CMS facilitates better control of website sections including design templates and section customizations.

Brand new features

Addition of new features and functionalities including a Property Wizard with advanced cloning options, global control to update broker information, and more.

New design library

Take advantage of an endless typography combinations and section customizations.

SharpLaunch users may go the SharpLaunch login to access the new CMS.

How to Build a Commercial Property Search Engine (PSE): Complete Guide

When potential tenants and investors find your commercial real estate company online, they aren’t necessarily wondering about your company history or team’s background. They want to know what you can offer them now. In fact, about 80% of the time spent on a CRE website is on the properties section of your company website.

That means if you are not making it easy to find, search and view your available property listings, you are at a competitive disadvantage.

Lacking a commercial property search engine is a little like a merchandise company having a website without a products page.

Fortunately, the reverse is true. Having a commercial real estate search engine that aggregates and displays all of your current inventory delivers some serious benefits.

You don’t want to have to market your properties individually at every turn. You also need a way to display your entire portfolio. With a commercial property search engine, you compile all of your listings into one place.

Displaying your full inventory provides significant advantages:

  • Create trust among the CRE community
  • Turn website visitors into leads
  • Boost engagement and create a memorable experience for prospective clients
  • Improve search engine optimization (SEO) to maximize visibility on Google
  • Extend the digital footprint of your property listings
  • Elevate your brand

That’s true of most all commercial real estate search engines, but different options can deliver additional benefits.

How Do I Add Properties to My Website?

There are several ways to add and display your property listings to your own company website. To start, you need to choose one of the three paths below for displaying your available listings that will also give features specific to the option you choose:

  • Use a turnkey platform. Choose a “plug and play” marketing platform that automates the creation of your search engine. With this option, you can significantly reduce costs and time-to-market because you won’t need to hire a web design agency to build it from scratch. In addition, you take advantage of ongoing software improvements which means less maintenance and headaches to worry about.
  • Hire a website design agency. If you hire an agency to build a custom property portal, you can ensure that the branding on the search engine is consistent with your company’s other marketing efforts. With this option, you’ll get all of the features you want paired with the proper branding, but it also means time and money for initial setup, plus ongoing costs whenever you want to make changes.
  • Employ an internet data exchange (IDX). This feed essentially pulls listings from a database to your website. The downside here is that IDX solutions pull properties from the MLS which is heavily focused on residential properties . Plus, choosing this route means everything on the IDX shows up on your site, which could include properties in your market that you don’t own.

These days, most CRE companies utilize a turnkey platform that includes a WordPress listing plugin, providing various customization and integration options — API, embed widget, or inline frame (iframe).

An API integration will give you the highest level of customization and control, but will require some initial implementation work.

To ensure your search engine delivers maximal benefit for your company with minimal drawbacks, you should look for one that delivers all of the key features you might want.

What Features Should I Consider?

Before implementing a property search or inventory plugin, there are several characteristics to consider:

  • Ease of use (how quickly can you add or remove listings )
  • Filtering options so users can refine their search among your available listings
  • Display options such as map and grid views
  • Customization capabilities to match your design preferences
  • Quality of individual property listings
  • Syncs seamlessly with your marketing platform for lead capture
  • Maps to your own domain to prevent website visitors from leaving your site
  • Displays closed transactions with no additional work

To give you an idea of what your company search engine could look like when beautifully designed and feature-rich, check out these property search engine examples.

Can I Display Properties Listings on My Own Domain?

There are several ways to integrate your property search engine on your own website, and the way you do it depends on the technology you use. That tech will also determine how the property search engine and your property listings will be linked to your own website domain.

First, you need to figure out what you want to call the property search engine section on your website. Common names include:

  • Listings
  • Properties
  • Availabilities

Then, you need to determine how you want to map the individual properties to your website domain. In other words, you want to figure out where someone goes when they click on one of the availabilities they see in your commercial property search engine.

Your options here are:

  • Keep them on your company domain. That means that the user never leaves your site, even as they explore any listing from your search engine. So, for example, when they click on Property X from the search engine, they’ll head to a webpage with a URL like
  • Put them on a subdomain. If you want to host the individual property pages within the realm of your website but still differentiate them for marketing purposes, you can use a subdomain. In this case, the user would click on Property X from the search engine and be directed to These more differentiated links can help you market your individual properties with a more memorable web address.
  • Send them to an external provider’s subdomain. If you choose a turnkey platform that doesn’t link your listings to your company website, you could send someone who clicks on Property X outside your website to a domain like At that point, the user has left your website and could stumble across other listings from other CRE companies as they navigate around the external provider’s website.

In the vast majority of cases, your company will be best off keeping the users on a domain that you own. Otherwise, you risk them seeing content from someone else that could catch their eye.

Moving Forward with the Right Option

Clearly, there’s a lot to consider when it comes to building the right commercial property search engine for your company.

You need something that will be easy to use so you can get listings to market fast. You also need a way to retain users on your website and deliver consistent branding whether they’re looking at your search engine — and when they click through to an individual property.

7 Elements of Modern Commercial Real Estate Websites

Commercial real estate companies today know they need to have an online presence to promote their listings.

With an easy-to-find, easy-to-use property websites you can expand your visibility, increase engagement with visitors and convert them into prospects along the way.

Remember, though, that all of this only works if your CRE website has all of the modern touches that users expect. A digital presence won’t do you any favors if it’s outdated or hard to navigate. It only takes roughly 50 milliseconds for users to make an opinion about your website and decide if they’ll stay on it. That means you need an optimized CRE website that follows the modern trends — and meets today’s tech-savvy user’s expectations — for usability and design.

So what, exactly, is a modern website? It’s one that carefully blends an aesthetically pleasing design with easy usability.

Specifically, it should contain these seven elements.

1. Minimalist & Clean Layout

Minimalism’s focus is on simple and functional design by removing any unnecessary elements that distract the user and allow the content to stand out.

Not only does this refer to design elements, but website copy is also reduced and consolidated to help focus users’ attention to important calls-to-action and drive them to conversion, like in the 501 Boylston website example.

501 Boylston website

A clear navigation with reduced menu options is meant to help visitors keep their attention on the most important elements on the website and reduce distractions.

By keeping navigation to a minimum the users can focus on the content offered such as the building information, location and amenities, instead of clicking out and abandoning the page.

Hamburger menus and unique navigation options are prevalent as mobile navigation and wide aspect ratios on screens are becoming a norm, like seen on The Essex website example.

The Essex website

3. Strong Accent Colors

You can easily take advantage of color on your commercial property website to get attention and make a strong impact. Make sure you choose a color scheme that matches your brand colors or the branding created for that property. See the bold green used on the 1101 Vermont Avenue website example

1101 Vermont Avenue website

4. Bold Typography

A modern and bold typography can help support marketing messaging and design. It emphasizes the property’s brand name and makes the main value propositions stand out to provide a lasting impression.

Many web designs today will use the entire top fold of a website with for one message that will allow the text to be the initial focus and provide context for first time visitors.

Choosing a unique font makes your listing stand out and differentiate from the competitors such as the East United Condos below.


5. Professional Imagery

Full-width images and the use of professional photography play an important role in interface design for CRE websites, especially for hero images to help demand attention of prospective clients.

Good quality photos, as used on Highwoods’ Bank of America Tower, can give you an edge and make a big difference in how quickly it takes to capture initial interest for selling or leasing your property.

Bank of America Tower website

6. Custom Interactive Maps

Nowadays every website visitor is used to seeing maps and pins to locate businesses, properties and amenities around it.

And since it’s all about location in real estate, an interactive map is a key decision driver for any potential tenant or investor evaluating commercial property.

An attractively designed map can contribute extensively to a unique and memorable user experience.

7. Device Consistency

Nearly half of the worldwide web traffic comes from mobile devices, so a key to a modern commercial real estate website is creating a clean and user-friendly website that’s easy to navigate on both mobile and desktop.

Always make sure to keep your user’s experience consistent regardless of the type of device.

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How to Build a Great Commercial Real Estate Website

You want to stand out from the competition. That means that as a commercial real estate (CRE) owner or broker, you need to build a marketing foundation that extends beyond mere flyers, brochures, and LoopNet listings.

Specifically, you need a well-designed website for your commercial real estate business. This tool is a non-negotiable essential when it comes to conveying credibility in your brand and your properties.
First impressions are 94% design-related, and nearly half of consumers make a decision about your credibility based on your website’s visual appeal.

Creating a great CRE website isn’t just about making a good first impression and looking credible, though. It can directly impact your revenue, too. Studies show that great design drives an 18% to 41% higher willingness to pay more. Plus, individuals with a positive perception of your company’s design have roughly 10% better net retention.

Good website design also affects your search engine optimization (SEO), which directly impacts the likelihood of someone discovering your commercial real estate business online.

How do I build a commercial real estate website?

Below are 12 things to consider if you want to build an effective CRE website.

1. Lay The Branding Foundation

You need your CRE company to look legitimate. That means having consistent branding, which essentially means you’re using the same logo, colors, and typography on your corporate website and your individual property websites.

Commercial real estate website design

To start, have various sizes of your logo handy. Make sure your website prominently features your own logo, and include any relevant property logos on individual commercial real estate websites.

Then, identify which colors and typographies you’ll be using. Pull any boilerplate content you want to go on your website, too, like a company description.

For property websites acquire a branded URL. Whenever possible, make sure the name of your building or its address are included in the domain name. This helps with exact match searches in Google, and can amplify your local search result standings.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

What audience do you want to target? Keeping your audience in mind will help you tailor your content to pique their interest.

For example, if you’re gearing your site toward brokers, you can — and probably should — heavily use real estate jargon. But if you’re targeting business owners who may want to lease your space, you’ll probably want to write your property descriptions in more conversational, accessible language.

3. Implement Functionality and UX Best Practices

Expectations have evolved in the last few years to where people won’t put up with poor design, frustrating navigation, or inconsistent layouts. If it’s hard to find what they need, they’ll leave and go to another site.

Commercial real estate website templates can provide a solution to that with structured information, cutting edge design and an excellent user experience.

You also need to think about your site’s functionality: how people find it and how they use it once they do. Key areas to think about here include:

  • Your site’s navigation (i.e., menus, footer links) – Every section of your website should be accessible with no more than three clicks whenever possible.
  • Responsive design (i.e., your site’s ability to display and work well on everything from desktop computers to smartphones) – Your website should load seamlessly on all screen sizes and include mobile-phone and tablet-friendly navigation. No pinch-zooming should be required to view your information.
  • User experience (i.e., UX) – Is your site nice to look at and easy to use? Think through how the average user will engage with your site and experience your brand through it.
  • Browser compatibility – Your website should work smoothly on all browser versions you can reasonably expect your prospects to use. That means a spectrum of browsers going back 5-7 years.
  • SEO – You also want people to be able to find your website, so you need to optimize it for search engines. A huge part of this is an optimized page title and meta description. Your page title should be no more than 60 characters, while the meta description should be 150 characters or shorter. Write both in easy-to-read language, and make sure you include the property address for any individual listing pages.

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4. Invest In Professional Photography

The most straightforward way to advertise properties is with photography. Having a striking selection of professional images on a real-estate listing is pretty fundamental.

Your main image should be bold, high-res and attention-grabbing (on mobile & desktop).

Don’t trip over by using headline images that don’t show off the space at its absolute best. However, remember that large images can slow down website pages.


Spend some time searching and viewing local buildings in your market to see how they present themselves.

The Park Avenue Tower  is a prime example of property photography that accurately captures the look and feel of the building while highlighting particularly engaging elements of the space:

Commercial real estate photography

5. Consider Investing In Virtual Tours

Today, tenants and investors might not be able to visit a property in person, but they still find images ineffective at fully projecting the nuances of the space. To bridge the gap, they want virtual tours. 3D virtual tours are becoming more prevalent to help aid during the sell/lease decision-making process for commercial properties.

Matterport, and Floored have developed into viable and accessible commercial real estate virtual tours solutions. The potential for virtual tours as a resource for CRE companies only grew with the increasing adoption of VR technology as well.

What’s more, the potential for virtual tours to serve as a valuable resource for CRE companies only grew with the increasing adoption of VR technology. Virtual reality walkthroughs on headsets like the Oculus Rift, or even a Samsung Galaxy phone, will expand your ability to engage with remote customers, showcasing properties to a much wider audience.


Check out this virtual walkthrough of the space.

6. Focus on Writing Quality Property Descriptions

New technologies, like virtual tours, are promising but it’d be naïve to overlook the impact of the humble property description, which is still what the majority of people examine (alongside images) when deciding whether to enquire or not.

But it’s not necessarily new vs. old. In fact, why not combine great descriptions, and great images, tours, SEO, floor plans, and all the other emerging stuff that’s also in this post. You’d then have a great commercial real estate website.


To write a great real estate property description

  • Stick to 150 words; brevity is beautiful!
  • Spell out who the property is for, and what the key selling-points are
  • Write clearly; avoid jargon and real-estate cliché


The website for 101 California in San Francisco does a perfect job of providing key information in a short and clear description, highlighting key statistics without over explaining. It’s short, succinct, and heavily visual.

Property description commercial real estate website

7. Leverage Downloadable Floor Plans

A floor plan helps potential tenants to get to know your property’s layout a little better, and then keep it in mind. While often overlooked, floor plans do a pretty good job of piquing the interest of future clients.

It’s recommended to include a PDF of every floor plan that is available in the building so website visitors can download it and envision how that property would work for them.

How you draft them is up to you but technologies like Google’s MapsIndoors allow floor plans to be created at no extra cost – and they can then be made easily accessible online.


Downloadable floor plans are a key feature of SharpLaunch.

Floor plans commercial real estate website

8. Highlight Key Amenities Information

Location is arguably the most important factor in real estate, so why explain an area in a few hundred words when you can do the same intuitively with a commercial real estate map?

It’s not just the physical location of a commercial real estate property that’s important, but also the amenities nearby: bars, restaurants, banks, transport links, and other services. Even better if you can pick those out, too.

There are a few ways to implement maps on a website. Embedding Google Maps using iFrames (i.e., inline frames) is a basic option, but you’ll have to do some technical tweaks to customize your map so that it’s branded and contains the extra pins and information on the surroundings. Fortunately, our interactive real estate maps make this easy for you.


Interactive commercial real estate maps

9. Feature Broker Contact Information & Headshots

People are central to today’s social web. If you don’t show the faces behind your organization it can almost look suspicious.

On the other hand, if you emphasize the human side to your commercial real estate company, it’s an attractive point for prospects who want to get in touch.

At the very least, your website should include information about who to contact for your listings. List out broker names, phone numbers, and email addresses. Consider adding their headshots, too.

There are practical benefits to using social technologies that allow easier online communication, like instant ‘chat with us now’ widgets. If you help customers to get the information they need right away, it’ll reduce the chance that they’ll bounce off your page and onto a competitor’s nice, human-looking website.


The Bank of America Tower property website is a prime example of how to present your brokerage team in a clean, succinct way. Each broker is featured with a headshot and contact information, allowing for a profile of the brokerage and accessibility to the key stakeholders.

10. Add Existing Building Certifications

Third party green building certifications are a great way to build credibility and showcase your firm’s focus on sustainability to prospective tenants and investors.

Adding a badge to your property website is the easiest way to market your achievements and highlight the building’s unique green features.

Make sure you get all the assets in place and add them to the designated area on the website.

Sustainability building certification commercial real estate website

11. Plan out Your Promotional Strategy

Your website delivers much more value if you have a digital content strategy. To draw new traffic to your site, leverage SEO and the existing network of real estate sites. You might post links to your site on CRE listing sites, press releases, news articles and blogs, for example.

You can also consider posting links to your commercial real estate website to your LinkedIn and other social media pages. You might additionally want to get in a routine of publishing regular blog posts on your website to boost your search engine ranking and establish your company as an industry thought leader to raise awareness within your audience.

It’s not a quick fix but the benefits are long-term: 

  • Great content attracts links, shares and coverage – all of which can push up search rankings, attract relevant traffic, and raise brand awareness.
  • Thought leadership, through content, is a great way to demonstrate brand values and show customers that your commercial real estate company stands for what you say it does.
  • If you understand how prospective customers use your site – and their personas / psychology – then you can begin to shape content that also leads to conversions.

A nod goes back to the previous point in this piece; analytics is integral to a blog and content strategy. It helps to shape the ongoing plan, as you see what’s working (or not) and how users interact with your key topics and themes.


JLL’s Real Views is a real estate news hub focusing on analysis, opinion, and research from JLL about the real estate sector and larger business community. This industry-specific focus, combined with relevant expertise in key verticals, allows them to rank for several important terms in their industry and drive references from other sites.

12. Use Tools to Measure Results

If you measure and analyze your website’s traffic, you can see where you might need to improve. You might notice that a lot of people leave your website when reaching one specific page, for example. Then, you can improve that page.

To get these kind of insights, set up Google Analytics. It’s free, easy to use, and the most popular analytics platform. Start with traffic totals. Then, get a bit more detailed with the number of leads from exact sources or listings.

You might also want to look at flow visualizations of website sessions to get a feel for how people are using your commercial real estate website.

Google’s platform isn’t the only option but you should at least have your website backed by analytics of some kind if you’re not using it.

Another handy way to use marketing analytics is to understand your best performing content to refine your content strategy as you go along (see next point).


how to build a great real estate website in 2016 & 2017 - web design tips & tricks

Getting started with a commercial real estate website

So, where do you get started when building a commercial real estate website?

You can hire a web design agency to build a custom website with plenty of bells and whistles, but you should consider the cost and time associated with this kind of project. Not only does this web development route come with a hefty upfront fee, but it also limits your ability to make changes to your CRE website. When you hire a web design agency, you’ll usually need to pay for each adjustment you want to make, including adding and removing properties as their availability changes.

Fortunately, that’s not your only option. You can use a commercial real estate marketing software that includes a website builder to make the whole process more streamlined and cost-effective, both at launch and from that point forward.