Marketing Toolkit for Real Estate Investment Sales

Building a healthy pipeline. Attracting the right investors. In commercial real estate investment sales, the marketing phase plays a critical part in generating interest and elevating your brand. To position yourself at the head of the pack and command attention from your target prospects, you need the right tools and resources.

Success in modern investment sales requires a digital toolkit that helps you stand out from competitors, increase exposure for your properties, and streamline the process to drive more results, faster.

Discover what you should have inside your real estate sales and marketing toolkit. Let’s get started.

Digital Presentation

Here are the top digital presentation features you should look for inside a real estate investment sales and marketing platform:

Property Website

Your website serves as an interactive teaser to pique interest in your properties and get buyers interested in a potential deal. It allows you to differentiate yourself from other commercial property offerings, standing out from static or poorly-designed competitor pages. A company website is important, but so too is a property specific website that highlights the key selling points.

Property Search Engine

Inside every real estate investment broker’s toolkit is their digital listing portfolio. One property website can perfectly display all of the amenities of one listing, but once you start to scale, some digital solutions can lag behind. How can you make sure that potential buyers can easily navigate all of your offerings? A property search engine (PSE) can display all of your current properties automatically, right on your own website.

When searching for the right PSE, make sure to consider integrations. Top tip: look for a platform agnostic software solution — meaning it can easily work with your existing software.

Appealing User Experience & Content

Good content conveys key information and investment highlights for prospective buyers. Your property website should offer a summary of the offering along with the investment highlights – what benefits should catch their eye immediately and how can you provide value to them based on these responses? At the same time, you can engage your users with interactive elements including a local amenities maps, photo gallery of both inside and outside the property, and video coverage of the space. Broker contact information should also be provided in several relevant points on your website.

Tracking & Reporting Tool

Digital marketing allows you a much greater degree of visibility into the performance of your marketing efforts. Using tracking tools, you can measure progress in visits, traffic channel performance, executed CA agreements, total downloads from your site and more. Are people leaving too quickly? Are they spending a lot of time on a certain page that you can better highlight? This information is freely available and helps to improve your marketing efforts.

Online Document Portal

Here are the top online document portal features you should look for inside a real estate investment sales and marketing platform:

One-Click Document Sharing

A commercial real estate optimized document portal offers 24/7 access to private real estate documents, making it easier to share all your sales and marketing materials with prospects during the sales process. It can reduce time spent sending emails, allow you to better track prospect activity when they engage with your documents, and improve insight into the deal process.

Additional Lead Capture Opportunities

A document portal not only reduces the number of back and forth emails and speeds up the agreement process but also helps capture new potential leads interested in your property. Look for a tool that lets you track how many times your documents have been downloaded and captures the information of the leads who download. This is another way to build up your own proprietary database of prospects for future deals. This can serve as an effective means to build up your own proprietary database of prospects for future deals.

Email Marketing Tool

Here are the top email marketing features you should look for inside a real estate investment sales and marketing platform:

Drag-And-Drop Contact List Segmentation

Your contact lists must be carefully structured to target people based on specific segmentations. That means separating out investors and potential tenants, segmenting by location, budget, and property, type, and managing each list of prospects – whether past investors, potential investors, or cold prospects who have been dormant for a long period of time. A good email marketing tool will allow you to easily tag and segment your lists to make sure you send the right emails to the right people.

Responsive HTML Email Templates

There are many email marketing best practices to consider when communicating with prospective investors. Not only do these ensure higher engagement rates; they can improve deliverability and overall engagement by those prospects with your content. One of these best practices? Your emails should be responsive HTML, designed and tested for all browser types on all device sizes.

Campaign Tracking and Performance Visibility

Your email marketing tools can also help to measure the results you achieve from these campaigns. Focus on open rate, the click rate percentage, and the number of people who unsubscribe or mark your emails as spam.

CRM (Client Relationship Management) Tool

Here are the top CRM features you should look for inside a real estate investment sales and marketing platform:

Clear Lead and Pipeline Management

The right CRM allows you to individually manage each contact record and associated deal, assigning lead owners, attaching emails and documents, and assigning future tasks. You can also accurately measure the volume of your current pipeline by assigning each lead to a different stage in the process, along with associated deal win percentage estimates and deal values.

Automated Follow-ups

CRM systems remove much of the risk of human error from the equation by consolidating all follow-up activity into one system. Look for an easy-to-use and lightweight solution that can automatically assign follow-ups for key prospects and offers a meaningful overview of lead activity at a glance.

Key Selling Documents

Here are the top selling-document tools you should look for inside a real estate investment sales and marketing platform:

Appealing Offering Memorandum

Professional, high-quality offering memorandums, designed specifically to match both your company and individual property branding can make a huge difference in the progression of a sale. Inclusion of key property photos and location highlights, street maps, sale and lease comparables, floor plans, site maps, and demographics, all specific within the memorandum for each property is an important part of the marketing process for each property in your portfolio.

Consolidated Flyer

A shorter, easier to share document that highlights the key points of your offering memorandum in 2-4 pages, the consolidated flyer is a valuable tool that you should have available at meetings and online alike.

Digital Confidentiality Agreement

Preparation and delivery of your confidentiality agreement is crucial in investment sales. By integrating it into your marketing workflow, alongside a professionally designed offering memorandum, and within an easy-to-use document portal, you can make sure it’s delivered on time and in a format that elevates your brand.

The Final Word

By adding all of the above to your real estate marketing toolkit, you can be sure to stay ahead of the competition. With greater transparency into what works and what doesn’t, a strong digital presentation, and streamlined communication, you’re ready to lead the next generation of real estate investment sales.

Hungry for more? Download the guide: 4 Ways SharpLaunch Can Help Your CRE Brokerage Firm Grow in the Digital Age