21 Ideas to Tweet About Your CRE Business

Twitter is one of the key social media platforms commercial real estate companies can leverage to create awareness, help build relationships, and stay top of mind with prospects and clients.

With its quick-to-digest format (limited to 280 characters), there are many ways to increase visibility and create an online following for your CRE brand if you have the right strategy in place.

Don’t know what to tweet about?

We already created the guide on how to set up your social media marketing strategy on Twitter and in this article we provide a list of tried-and-tested things you can tweet when you’re stuck on ideas.

Here are the top 20 ideas to tweet about your CRE business:

1. Company updates

Reinforce your company’s unique selling points and highlight awards or special achievements. This will help establish a level of trust and credibility for your company and your service.

2. New property listings

Post new opportunities to let your followers know about any property listings you’ve put on the market. It’s an easy way to keep your contacts informed and show that you are active.

3. Recent sales

Mention recent sales to keep prospects and clients informed about progress and wins. Consider highlighting how much the property sold for, who was involved and key property info.

4. Recent acquisitions

Post about your recent acquisitions and keep your contacts informed about new holdings in your portfolio.

5. New construction

Tweet about new construction projects and tag your partners to keep your community informed about the progress. Also add hashtags with the property’s location to gain more exposure in the local market.

6. Property mentions

Share mentions of your property in other publications.

7. Market reports

Share market reports, summarize market trends, and providing context for important data/statistics to help establish you as an expert in your market.

8. Industry news

Similar to sharing market reports, posting industry news also positions you as someone who is up-to-date with happenings in the industry.

9. Your blog content

Every blog post you publish should be distributed on Twitter and should be a big part of your promotion strategy to hep increase awareness and drive visits to your blog.

10. Event attendance

Let your followers know about the tradeshows, conferences and industry events you will be attending. This gives your contacts a chance to connect in person.

11. Local market news

Establish yourself as an expert in your local market or engage with your local network by tweeting about market-specific news or trends from your local trade area.

Sharing your insight or articles on trending topics that affect your industry shows you’re aware and informed about what’s going on in the industry.

Using a hashtag with current Twitter trends is a great way to join in on popular conversations, reach a wider audience and increase engagement with your brand.

14. Employee recognition

Welcome new hires or give a shout out to your team members to engage with them on Twitter to give your brand more exposure.

15. Job openings

Share job postings to reach a wider network of potential candidates and also show your company is growing.

16. Vertical industry updates

Share news and updates from vertical industries that form a part of your expertise (like business, marketing, sales, etc.), to show you’ve got your finger on the pulse of the new developments that help support your business.

17. Retweet other users’ tweets

Sharing other user’s tweets helps you build connections with them and show appreciation of the content they’re sharing. This can provide valuable pay back in the future.

18. Ask questions

Questions are a good way to communicate directly with your followers and increase engagement by receiving direct feedback.

Take the opportunity to show your company culture and creativity by tweeting about major holidays or seasons.

20. Testimonials

Tag your customers or partners and share their positive feedback about your business.


Find a quote that represents the values of your company or your current mood.