Design Inspiration: 7 Property Search Engine Examples

More than 80% of time spent on a CRE company website is on the properties section. So, having a well-designed, carefully organized commercial real estate property search engine offers a number of benefits to your website visitors and potential investors or tenants.

Whether you’re planning to implement a white-label plugin or to hire a development agency to build a custom property search engine, we’ve compiled a selection of six property search engine designs to reference.

Based on user experience, customization, and functionality, these examples will help you evaluate what is possible for your own property website.

Cushman & Wakefield

View Cushman & Wakefield property search engine

Company profile: Full Service Brokerage

Cushman & Wakefield is a worldwide leader in real estate services, offering expertise in selling, leasing, and managing a wide range of properties spanning various sectors. Their portfolio includes everything from commercial properties like office buildings, retail spaces, and industrial facilities to multifamily residential units. Additionally, they handle specialized properties such as hotels, healthcare facilities, and land parcels for development projects. With a comprehensive approach, Cushman & Wakefield caters to the diverse needs of clients worldwide.

The properties can be searched by any of the following filters:

  • Property type
  • Available size
  • Advanced filters for County, City and Submarket
  • Broker name
  • Property listing page including a photo gallery, available space, contact form, and an interactive map

The Feil Organization

View The Feil Organization property search engine

Company profile: Owner

Feil Real Estate specializes in a variety of properties for sale and lease mainly in New York, Louisiana, Florida, and Illinois. Whether you’re in the market for office spaces, retail storefronts, industrial facilities, or apartment buildings, Feil has you covered. They offer personalized solutions for your specific requirements, ensuring you find the perfect space for your business or investment goals. With their expertise and extensive portfolio, Feil provides the guidance and options you need to make informed decisions in today’s dynamic real estate market.

The properties can be searched by any of the following filters:

  • Property type
  • Location 
  • Square footage
  • Availability 
  • Property listing includes photo gallery, contact form, and an interactive map

CBRE Newport

View CBRE Newport property search engine

Company profile: Full Service Brokerage

CBRE is the global leader in commercial real estate services and investments. They bring a professional level of expertise and knowledge to all of their clients and ensure satisfaction when it comes to their real estate needs. The Newport sector encompasses all properties in the Orange County, CA area. They offer a multitude of properties including multifamily, retail, office, industrial and medical. 

Additional filters include:

  • Transaction type
  • Property type
  • Location 
  • Available space
  • Property listing includes broker name, interactive map and nearby properties

Younger Partners

View Younger Partners property search engine

Company profile: Full Service Brokerage

Located in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Younger Partners provides investment, leasing and management services to both commercial real estate tenants and investors. Their property search engine is designed to reflect this diversity of offerings (including over 150 listings). 

The properties can be searched by any of the following filters:

  • Transaction type
  • Property type
  • Available size
  • Advanced filters for County, City and Submarket
  • Broker name
  • Property listing page including a photo gallery, downloadable documents, available space and contact form

Olshan Properties

View Olshan Properties property search engine

Company profile: Owner/Operator and Developer

Olshan Properties specializes in the development, acquisition and management of commercial real estate including retail, residential, office and hotel assets, so their search engine reflects the different property types in their portfolio.

Additional filters include:

  • Search by State and City filters
  • Conditional unit size filters for Office and Retail availabilities
  • Map and Grid view
  • Feature rich property website including a photo gallery, tenants, downloadable documents, availability and contact section

N3 Real Estate

View N3 Real Estate property search engine

Company profile: Full Service Owner/Developer and Advisory

N3 is a national firm that owns, manages and develops net-leased retail assets and specializes in all aspects of retail development including site selection, planning, entitlement, construction, leasing and management.

Their retail asset search engine includes:

  • Search by State, City, Size and Deal type
  • Map view
  • Fully branded property websites featuring property highlights, video, tenants, availability, site plans, photos, downloadable documents and contact section.

MMG Equity Partners

View MMG Equity Partners property search engine

Company profile: Owner/Operator and Developer

MMG Equity Partners’s property list reflects their current active and previously owned retail assets.

The company owns, develops and acquires commercial properties nationwide and their property search engine features over 30 active properties.

The included features in their search engine:

  • Conditional unit size filter for lease and sale availabilities
  • Map and List view
  • Fully branded property websites featuring property highlights, tenants, availability, site plans, photos, downloadable documents and contact section.

7 Elements of Modern Commercial Real Estate Websites

Commercial real estate companies today know they need to have an online presence to promote their listings.

With an easy-to-find, easy-to-use property websites you can expand your visibility, increase engagement with visitors and convert them into prospects along the way.

Remember, though, that all of this only works if your CRE website has all of the modern touches that users expect. A digital presence won’t do you any favors if it’s outdated or hard to navigate. It only takes roughly 50 milliseconds for users to make an opinion about your website and decide if they’ll stay on it. That means you need an optimized CRE website that follows the modern trends — and meets today’s tech-savvy user’s expectations — for usability and design.

So what, exactly, is a modern website? It’s one that carefully blends an aesthetically pleasing design with easy usability.

Specifically, it should contain these seven elements.

1. Minimalist & Clean Layout

Minimalism’s focus is on simple and functional design by removing any unnecessary elements that distract the user and allow the content to stand out.

Not only does this refer to design elements, but website copy is also reduced and consolidated to help focus users’ attention to important calls-to-action and drive them to conversion, like in the 501 Boylston website example.

501 Boylston website

A clear navigation with reduced menu options is meant to help visitors keep their attention on the most important elements on the website and reduce distractions.

By keeping navigation to a minimum the users can focus on the content offered such as the building information, location and amenities, instead of clicking out and abandoning the page.

Hamburger menus and unique navigation options are prevalent as mobile navigation and wide aspect ratios on screens are becoming a norm, like seen on The Essex website example.

The Essex website

3. Strong Accent Colors

You can easily take advantage of color on your commercial property website to get attention and make a strong impact. Make sure you choose a color scheme that matches your brand colors or the branding created for that property. See the bold green used on the 1101 Vermont Avenue website example

1101 Vermont Avenue website

4. Bold Typography

A modern and bold typography can help support marketing messaging and design. It emphasizes the property’s brand name and makes the main value propositions stand out to provide a lasting impression.

Many web designs today will use the entire top fold of a website with for one message that will allow the text to be the initial focus and provide context for first time visitors.

Choosing a unique font makes your listing stand out and differentiate from the competitors such as the East United Condos below.


5. Professional Imagery

Full-width images and the use of professional photography play an important role in interface design for CRE websites, especially for hero images to help demand attention of prospective clients.

Good quality photos, as used on Highwoods’ Bank of America Tower, can give you an edge and make a big difference in how quickly it takes to capture initial interest for selling or leasing your property.

Bank of America Tower website

6. Custom Interactive Maps

Nowadays every website visitor is used to seeing maps and pins to locate businesses, properties and amenities around it.

And since it’s all about location in real estate, an interactive map is a key decision driver for any potential tenant or investor evaluating commercial property.

An attractively designed map can contribute extensively to a unique and memorable user experience.

7. Device Consistency

Nearly half of the worldwide web traffic comes from mobile devices, so a key to a modern commercial real estate website is creating a clean and user-friendly website that’s easy to navigate on both mobile and desktop.

Always make sure to keep your user’s experience consistent regardless of the type of device.

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How to Build a Great Commercial Real Estate Website

You want to stand out from the competition. That means that as a commercial real estate (CRE) owner or broker, you need to build a marketing foundation that extends beyond mere flyers, brochures, and LoopNet listings.

Specifically, you need a well-designed website for your commercial real estate business. This tool is a non-negotiable essential when it comes to conveying credibility in your brand and your properties.
First impressions are 94% design-related, and nearly half of consumers make a decision about your credibility based on your website’s visual appeal.

Creating a great CRE website isn’t just about making a good first impression and looking credible, though. It can directly impact your revenue, too. Studies show that great design drives an 18% to 41% higher willingness to pay more. Plus, individuals with a positive perception of your company’s design have roughly 10% better net retention.

Good website design also affects your search engine optimization (SEO), which directly impacts the likelihood of someone discovering your commercial real estate business online.

How do I build a commercial real estate website?

Below are 12 things to consider if you want to build an effective CRE website.

1. Lay The Branding Foundation

You need your CRE company to look legitimate. That means having consistent branding, which essentially means you’re using the same logo, colors, and typography on your corporate website and your individual property websites.

Commercial real estate website design

To start, have various sizes of your logo handy. Make sure your website prominently features your own logo, and include any relevant property logos on individual commercial real estate websites.

Then, identify which colors and typographies you’ll be using. Pull any boilerplate content you want to go on your website, too, like a company description.

For property websites acquire a branded URL. Whenever possible, make sure the name of your building or its address are included in the domain name. This helps with exact match searches in Google, and can amplify your local search result standings.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

What audience do you want to target? Keeping your audience in mind will help you tailor your content to pique their interest.

For example, if you’re gearing your site toward brokers, you can — and probably should — heavily use real estate jargon. But if you’re targeting business owners who may want to lease your space, you’ll probably want to write your property descriptions in more conversational, accessible language.

3. Implement Functionality and UX Best Practices

Expectations have evolved in the last few years to where people won’t put up with poor design, frustrating navigation, or inconsistent layouts. If it’s hard to find what they need, they’ll leave and go to another site.

Commercial real estate website templates can provide a solution to that with structured information, cutting edge design and an excellent user experience.

You also need to think about your site’s functionality: how people find it and how they use it once they do. Key areas to think about here include:

  • Your site’s navigation (i.e., menus, footer links) – Every section of your website should be accessible with no more than three clicks whenever possible.
  • Responsive design (i.e., your site’s ability to display and work well on everything from desktop computers to smartphones) – Your website should load seamlessly on all screen sizes and include mobile-phone and tablet-friendly navigation. No pinch-zooming should be required to view your information.
  • User experience (i.e., UX) – Is your site nice to look at and easy to use? Think through how the average user will engage with your site and experience your brand through it.
  • Browser compatibility – Your website should work smoothly on all browser versions you can reasonably expect your prospects to use. That means a spectrum of browsers going back 5-7 years.
  • SEO – You also want people to be able to find your website, so you need to optimize it for search engines. A huge part of this is an optimized page title and meta description. Your page title should be no more than 60 characters, while the meta description should be 150 characters or shorter. Write both in easy-to-read language, and make sure you include the property address for any individual listing pages.

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4. Invest In Professional Photography

The most straightforward way to advertise properties is with photography. Having a striking selection of professional images on a real-estate listing is pretty fundamental.

Your main image should be bold, high-res and attention-grabbing (on mobile & desktop).

Don’t trip over by using headline images that don’t show off the space at its absolute best. However, remember that large images can slow down website pages.


Spend some time searching and viewing local buildings in your market to see how they present themselves.

The Park Avenue Tower  is a prime example of property photography that accurately captures the look and feel of the building while highlighting particularly engaging elements of the space:

Commercial real estate photography

5. Consider Investing In Virtual Tours

Today, tenants and investors might not be able to visit a property in person, but they still find images ineffective at fully projecting the nuances of the space. To bridge the gap, they want virtual tours. 3D virtual tours are becoming more prevalent to help aid during the sell/lease decision-making process for commercial properties.

Matterport, and Floored have developed into viable and accessible commercial real estate virtual tours solutions. The potential for virtual tours as a resource for CRE companies only grew with the increasing adoption of VR technology as well.

What’s more, the potential for virtual tours to serve as a valuable resource for CRE companies only grew with the increasing adoption of VR technology. Virtual reality walkthroughs on headsets like the Oculus Rift, or even a Samsung Galaxy phone, will expand your ability to engage with remote customers, showcasing properties to a much wider audience.


Check out this virtual walkthrough of the space.

6. Focus on Writing Quality Property Descriptions

New technologies, like virtual tours, are promising but it’d be naïve to overlook the impact of the humble property description, which is still what the majority of people examine (alongside images) when deciding whether to enquire or not.

But it’s not necessarily new vs. old. In fact, why not combine great descriptions, and great images, tours, SEO, floor plans, and all the other emerging stuff that’s also in this post. You’d then have a great commercial real estate website.


To write a great real estate property description

  • Stick to 150 words; brevity is beautiful!
  • Spell out who the property is for, and what the key selling-points are
  • Write clearly; avoid jargon and real-estate cliché


The website for 101 California in San Francisco does a perfect job of providing key information in a short and clear description, highlighting key statistics without over explaining. It’s short, succinct, and heavily visual.

Property description commercial real estate website

7. Leverage Downloadable Floor Plans

A floor plan helps potential tenants to get to know your property’s layout a little better, and then keep it in mind. While often overlooked, floor plans do a pretty good job of piquing the interest of future clients.

It’s recommended to include a PDF of every floor plan that is available in the building so website visitors can download it and envision how that property would work for them.

How you draft them is up to you but technologies like Google’s MapsIndoors allow floor plans to be created at no extra cost – and they can then be made easily accessible online.


Downloadable floor plans are a key feature of SharpLaunch.

Floor plans commercial real estate website

8. Highlight Key Amenities Information

Location is arguably the most important factor in real estate, so why explain an area in a few hundred words when you can do the same intuitively with a commercial real estate map?

It’s not just the physical location of a commercial real estate property that’s important, but also the amenities nearby: bars, restaurants, banks, transport links, and other services. Even better if you can pick those out, too.

There are a few ways to implement maps on a website. Embedding Google Maps using iFrames (i.e., inline frames) is a basic option, but you’ll have to do some technical tweaks to customize your map so that it’s branded and contains the extra pins and information on the surroundings. Fortunately, our interactive real estate maps make this easy for you.


Interactive commercial real estate maps

9. Feature Broker Contact Information & Headshots

People are central to today’s social web. If you don’t show the faces behind your organization it can almost look suspicious.

On the other hand, if you emphasize the human side to your commercial real estate company, it’s an attractive point for prospects who want to get in touch.

At the very least, your website should include information about who to contact for your listings. List out broker names, phone numbers, and email addresses. Consider adding their headshots, too.

There are practical benefits to using social technologies that allow easier online communication, like instant ‘chat with us now’ widgets. If you help customers to get the information they need right away, it’ll reduce the chance that they’ll bounce off your page and onto a competitor’s nice, human-looking website.


The Bank of America Tower property website is a prime example of how to present your brokerage team in a clean, succinct way. Each broker is featured with a headshot and contact information, allowing for a profile of the brokerage and accessibility to the key stakeholders.

10. Add Existing Building Certifications

Third party green building certifications are a great way to build credibility and showcase your firm’s focus on sustainability to prospective tenants and investors.

Adding a badge to your property website is the easiest way to market your achievements and highlight the building’s unique green features.

Make sure you get all the assets in place and add them to the designated area on the website.

Sustainability building certification commercial real estate website

11. Plan out Your Promotional Strategy

Your website delivers much more value if you have a digital content strategy. To draw new traffic to your site, leverage SEO and the existing network of real estate sites. You might post links to your site on CRE listing sites, press releases, news articles and blogs, for example.

You can also consider posting links to your commercial real estate website to your LinkedIn and other social media pages. You might additionally want to get in a routine of publishing regular blog posts on your website to boost your search engine ranking and establish your company as an industry thought leader to raise awareness within your audience.

It’s not a quick fix but the benefits are long-term: 

  • Great content attracts links, shares and coverage – all of which can push up search rankings, attract relevant traffic, and raise brand awareness.
  • Thought leadership, through content, is a great way to demonstrate brand values and show customers that your commercial real estate company stands for what you say it does.
  • If you understand how prospective customers use your site – and their personas / psychology – then you can begin to shape content that also leads to conversions.

A nod goes back to the previous point in this piece; analytics is integral to a blog and content strategy. It helps to shape the ongoing plan, as you see what’s working (or not) and how users interact with your key topics and themes.


JLL’s Real Views is a real estate news hub focusing on analysis, opinion, and research from JLL about the real estate sector and larger business community. This industry-specific focus, combined with relevant expertise in key verticals, allows them to rank for several important terms in their industry and drive references from other sites.

12. Use Tools to Measure Results

If you measure and analyze your website’s traffic, you can see where you might need to improve. You might notice that a lot of people leave your website when reaching one specific page, for example. Then, you can improve that page.

To get these kind of insights, set up Google Analytics. It’s free, easy to use, and the most popular analytics platform. Start with traffic totals. Then, get a bit more detailed with the number of leads from exact sources or listings.

You might also want to look at flow visualizations of website sessions to get a feel for how people are using your commercial real estate website.

Google’s platform isn’t the only option but you should at least have your website backed by analytics of some kind if you’re not using it.

Another handy way to use marketing analytics is to understand your best performing content to refine your content strategy as you go along (see next point).


how to build a great real estate website in 2016 & 2017 - web design tips & tricks

Getting started with a commercial real estate website

So, where do you get started when building a commercial real estate website?

You can hire a web design agency to build a custom website with plenty of bells and whistles, but you should consider the cost and time associated with this kind of project. Not only does this web development route come with a hefty upfront fee, but it also limits your ability to make changes to your CRE website. When you hire a web design agency, you’ll usually need to pay for each adjustment you want to make, including adding and removing properties as their availability changes.

Fortunately, that’s not your only option. You can use a commercial real estate marketing software that includes a website builder to make the whole process more streamlined and cost-effective, both at launch and from that point forward.

45 Best Commercial Real Estate Websites

More and more CRE professionals are turning to commercial property websites to effectively present and showcase their listings, help establish trust, and build credibility with prospective tenants and investors

A beautiful and effective commercial real estate website design often times makes the first and most important impression with prospective buyers or tenants.

We compiled a selection of the 45 best commercial real estate websites to give you inspiration for your next commercial property website, whether it’s for office, retail, multi-family, medical, industrial or mixed-use properties.

Office Property Websites

501 Boylston

commercial property websites

Visit 501 Boylston website

Uptown Station

commercial property websites

Visit Uptown Station website

The Waterfront

commercial property websites

Visit The Waterfront website

100 Bishopsgate

commercial property websites

Visit 100 Bishopsgate website

99 High Boston

99 High Boston commercial property websites

Visit 99 High website


405 Colorado

405 Colorado commercial property websites

Visit 405 Colorado website

601 City Center

commercial property website

View 601 City Center website

The Union Dallas

commercial property website

Visit The Union Dallas website

1144 Fifteenth

commercial property website

Visit 1144 Fifteenth website

Capital Center

Capital center providence commercial property website

Visit Capital Center Providence website


commercial property website

Visit 125W125 website

Turbine Brooklyn

Turbine commercial Property Website

Visit Turbine Brooklyn website

The Assemblage

commercial property website

Visit The Assemblage website

348 Edward

commercial property website

Visit 348 Edward website

609 Main At Texas

commercial property website

Visit 609 Main At Texas website

101 Marietta Street

commercial property website

Visit 101 Marietta Street website

Retail Property Websites

TSX Broadway

commercial property website

Visit TSX Broadway website

The Sono Collection

commercial property website

Visit The Sono Collection website

Kendall Corners

commercial property website

Visit Kendall Corners website

Whale Brooklyn

commercial property websites

Visit Whale Brooklyn website

City Point Brooklyn

commercial property websites

Visit City Point Brooklyn website

Residential & Multi-family Property Websites

Ora Seaport

Ora Seaport commercial property website

Visit Ora Seaport website

The Essex

commercial property websites

Visit The Essex website

One Blue Slip

commercial property websites

Visit One Blue Slip website

West Half

commercial property websites

Visit West Half website

432 Park Avenue

commercial property websites

Visit 432 Park Avenue website

53 W 53

commercial property websites

Visit 53 W 53 website

Radian Boston

commercial property websites

Visit Radian Boston website

The Oosten

Visit The Oosten website

Nine 52

Visit Nine 52 website

Six Cortland Alley

Visit Six Cortland Alley website

1399 Park Avenue

Visit 1399 Park website

Watermark Seaport

Visit Watermark Seaport website

Medical Property Websites

North West Medical Plaza

Visit North West Medical Plaza website

Glenmore Professional Centre

Visit Glenmore Professional Centre website

Baldwin Medical Center

Visit Baldwin Medical Center website

Industrial Property Websites

Amazon Fulfillment Lakeland

Visit Amazon Fulfillment Lakeland website

Barlow Centre

Visit Barlow Centre website

Mixed Use Property Websites

East River

East River retail property website

Visit East River website

The Yards

Visit The Yards website

Pacific Park Brooklyn

Visit Pacific Park Brooklyn website

District Wharf

Visit District Wharf website

Brickell City Centre

Visit Brickell City Centre website

Capitol Riverfront

Visit Capitol Riverfront website

Founders Park

Visit Founders Park website

East Market

Visit East Market website

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5 Real Estate Web Design Trends in 2017

As more CRE companies continue to improve the online presence for their properties, commercial real estate website design is an increasingly important part of the marketing war chest to help companies stay ahead of the curve. In 2017, we expect to see new trends and best practices emerging as the design landscape evolves in the industry.

Big hero images, flat design, scroll navigation and card layouts that dominated in 2016 will continue to prevail in single property website design, but there will also be some interesting new developments influencing real estate web design this year.

Below are the top 5 most important design trends we expect for 2017.

1. Minimalism & functionality

Minimalism’s focus is on simple and functional design by removing any unnecessary elements that distract the user.

Not only does this refer to design elements, but website copy is also reduced and consolidated to help focus users’ attention to important calls-to-action and drive them to conversion.

Helmsley Building


We will be seeing more property website designs that will have a strong focus on minimalism to allow the content to stand out.



2. Unique menu navigation options

Design experts are making a strong case supported by research against having too many options on a website that can distract the users.

We will be seeing designs with reduced navigation and menu options, to offer only the options that represent the main user focus point.

Another reason for this reduced functionality is the mobile-first approach that has been gaining force over the years and more and more companies are designing their online presence having in mind their users browsing primarily with their mobile devices.

Bay Park Centre


By keeping navigation to a minimum the users can focus on the content offered such as the building information, location and amenities, instead of clicking out and abandoning the page.

Anchored top page menus are slowly being replaced by more unique navigation options as mobile navigation and wide aspect ratios on screens are becoming a norm.



Menu patterns such as side menus and pop up full screen menus will become more widely acceptable.





3. Bold typography

Marketers want to make sure their statements and value propositions are making a strong impact and leaving a lasting impression. We expect big, bold typography to be a dominating trend for commercial real estate websites in 2017 to help support marketing messaging and design.

East United Condos


1144 Fifteenth


4. Professional imagery

Full-width images and professional photography will continue to play an important role in interface design for CRE websites, especially for hero images to help demand attention of prospective clients.

Cousins Properties


But instead of using stock photography, commercial real estate companies will move towards creating original and professional imagery that will represent their brand and values.

Watermark Seaport


300 South Wacker


5. Custom interactive Google maps

Nowadays every website visitor is used to seeing maps and pins to locate businesses, properties and amenities around it.

And since it’s all about location in real estate, an interactive map is a key decision driver for any potential tenant or investor evaluating commercial property.

609 Main At Texas


An attractively designed map can contribute extensively to a unique and memorable user experience.

Water Ridge Office Park


8 Real Estate Web Design Trends in 2016

The online landscape for commercial real estate is changing quickly and commercial real estate website design has become a category by itself.

We are seeing CRE companies investing more in their online presence now than ever before. Consequently, the need for beautiful, functional websites has resulted in a growing emergence of well-designed CRE websites.

What can we expect to see in 2016?

Below are some of the emerging trends in real estate web design we expect to see for company websites, property websites and blogs.

1. Huge Hero Images

Full-width hero images that stretch the entire width of a browser have quickly replaced image sliders, and they are here to stay in 2016. Nothing grabs your client’s attention faster and more effectively than a beautiful property photo, building rendering or skyline that fills your screen.

Thanks to better data compression and faster bandwidth, large high definition (HD) images can be used without affecting the loading time of pages. Some sites are even going one step further and embedding videos instead of state hero image.

hero image property website

2. More Scrolling, Less Clicking

A few year ago, a cardinal rule was established in the web design community that all important content must be at the top of the page, “above the fold”. The concept of “above the fold” has drastically changed with the proliferation of mobile devices.

Users have become accustomed to mobile experiences that utilize long strolling of pages (which is a lot easier than clicking) to get to content. This same behavior has transcended to the desktop resulting in websites with long pages of content that result in more scrolling, less clicking.

long scroll website

3. Strong Typography

Typefaces on websites are increasingly getting bigger, bolder and more interesting. Not only to capture a user’s attention with large headings and titles, but also to improve readability for paragraph text throughout the pages.

Also, web-based font libraries (like Google fonts) continue to grow and provide designers with an arsenal of beautiful and interesting fonts to work with.

strong typography

4. Beautiful HD Property Images

In 2016, there is no excuse not to have beautiful HD images for your properties. Access to high quality HD photography is cheaper and easier than it ever has been and has massive impact on the overall aesthetic of a real estate website.

Not to mention the impact it has on helping engage your clients and increase sales.

Given the increasing use of full-width visual layouts, we expect to see more high quality property images incorporated into CRE websites.

HD real estate photo gallery

5. Flat Design

The dominating design aesthetic of 2015 was flat design and you should expect see a lot more of this to continue in 2016 across all industries.

Graphical elements like buttons, icons and logos no longer using strong gradients or shadows. “Shiny” objects have become a thing of the past.

flat design

6. Sites Become Alive

One of the more exciting evolutions of web design is the creative use of interactive animations thanks to the combinations of CSS3, HTML5 and jQuery.

Although Flash is dead, websites are coming to life again with animated graphics and interactive elements especially on navigation menus, scrolls, hovers, loading, and backgrounds.

Site animation

7. Less Clutter

Websites are becoming more content focused and excess “clutter” is disappearing. Footers are getting reduced to bare essentials and sidebars are getting trimmed down in content (or removed altogether).

Minimalism is the driving aesthetic and elements on web pages will be reduced to create uncluttered interfaces that “breathe” better.

Less clutter screenshot

8. Card Layouts

Thanks to Pinterest, the use of card-based design has grown in popularity giving designers a new way to organize content within a more visually engaging layout.

Also, card designs are very efficient and adaptable to work across different platforms and screen sizes.

For users, cards are easy to scan and digest and we expect to see more real estate websites make use of this trend for property results, floor plans, photo galleries and more.

Card layout design