Marketing Reports that Impress Your Clients

Creating a property marketing report can be painful. But at SharpLaunch we believe that it doesn’t have to be. That’s why we are thrilled to announce a new feature to our marketing analytics dashboard: Branded Property Marketing Reports

You can now download a professional “white label” commercial real estate marketing report that includes all of the key metrics from your marketing dashboard with a clear and easy to read PDF layout.

Set your date range, select the metrics you want to include, and simply hit “download report”.

Why is client reporting important?

1. Build Relationships w/ Ownership and Stakeholders
Reports allow you to have ongoing, scheduled meetings and get in front of your clients on a consistent basis.

2. Convey Professionalism
Share your knowledge with your clients and educate them on what you do in the context of measurable performance metrics.

3. Gives You Credit
Provides concrete proof of your hard work and marketing and sales efforts.

Interested in learning more about our property marketing reports? Learn more and get a demo or contact us directly.